
来源 :中国法医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huayi8888
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1案例资料朱某,女,42岁。某日因交通事故致全身多处疼痛,以“右枕部头皮下血肿、肝破裂”收治入院。1.1病历资料入院查体:神志清楚。右枕部皮下有一3cm×3cm包块,触痛明显,腹部皮肤未见明显外伤异常。右季肋部、剑突下压痛(+),肝区叩痛(+)。CT示(图1):肝周、右结肠旁沟、盆腔积液;腹部B超示:盆腔积液,肝右叶局部回声增强。术前行“肝动脉、脾 1 case information Zhu, female, 42 years old. One day due to traffic accidents caused by multiple pain throughout the body to ”right occipital subcutaneous hematoma, liver rupture “ admitted to hospital. 1.1 medical records hospitalized: conscious. The right occipital subcutaneous 3cm × 3cm mass, tenderness, abdominal skin showed no obvious traumatic abnormalities. Right quarter ribs, xiphoid tenderness (+), liver percussion (+). CT showed (Figure 1): liver week, right colon side of the gutter, pelvic fluid; abdominal B ultrasound showed: pelvic fluid, the right lobe of the liver local echo enhancement. Preoperative line ”hepatic artery, spleen
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