建好“职工之家”是工会一个重要的职责,也是工会发挥作用的基础。在当今市场经济条件下,如何开展。职工之家”活动,不能不引起我们每个工会工作者的思考.下面就这一问题,谈谈我们的意见。 一、深化认识,把位置摆正。 “建家”工作,涉及到工会及单位建设的方方面面,要想不断的把“建家”工作提高到新的档次,促进单位的两个文明建设。首先要深化认识,摆正位置。 工会要适应金融体制改革不断深入的形势,必须加强领导,从务实的小圈子里解脱出来,更好地发挥自己的职能作用。要达到上述目的,必须通过。“建家”这一有效的形式。事实证明,工会本身通过“建家”活动的开展,民主管理的透明度、参政议政的力
Building a “worker's home” is an important duty of the trade unions and also the basis for the role of trade unions. In today's market economy, how to carry out. Worker's home “activities, can not but lead us to think each worker union. Now on this issue, to talk about our opinions. First, to deepen our understanding, the position is correct.” Founding “work, involving trade unions and In all aspects of the construction of a unit, in order to constantly raise the task of building a home to a new grade and promote the two civilizations of the unit, we must first deepen our understanding and put the position right in place .In order to meet the deepening financial system reform situation, the unions must Strengthen leadership, free themselves from pragmatic small circles and better play their own functions and functions. To achieve the above objective, it is necessary to adopt an effective form of ”building a home.“ Facts have proved that the trade unions themselves have adopted ”building their own home" activities The transparency of democratic management and the power of participating in politics