我院抢救1例重度有机磷农药中毒患者,服甲胺磷达170ml,为超致死量,就诊时无自主呼吸,周 围循环衰竭,经抢救48小时,恢复自主呼吸,神志转清,病情明显好转。现报告如下。 患者,女性,27岁。因自服甲胺磷170ml后20分钟入院。入院时患者不省人事,口吐白沫,四肢厥冷,口唇青紫,无自主呼吸。血压测不到,深昏迷状态,压眶无反应,两侧瞳孔缩小,呈针尖大,对光反应消失,颈软,两肺未闻及呼吸音,心音低,心率20分/
In our hospital, one patient with severe organophosphorus pesticide poisoning was treated. Methamidophos was administered in an amount of 170ml, which was in excess of the lethal dose. During the treatment, there was no spontaneous breathing and circulatory failure. After rescue for 48 hours, spontaneous respiration was restored and the condition was improved . The report is as follows. Patient, female, 27 years old. Because of methamidophos 170ml 20 minutes after admission. Patients admitted to hospital unconscious, foaming at the mouth, extremities Jueleng, blue lips, no spontaneous breathing. Blood pressure can not be measured, deep coma state, pressure orbital non-response, both sides of the pupil narrowed, was a sharp needle, the light reaction disappeared, soft neck, both lungs did not smell and breath sounds, heart sounds low, heart rate 20 points /