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木匠师傅老陈,那年66岁,宝应人,在京畿路102号开了一个小铺子,专业箍桶做盆,生意兴隆。箍桶做盆的人叫圆木匠。圆木匠是木匠行当里的一个分支,专门制作脚盆、澡盆、马桶、木甑子等木匠精细活。倒退30年,镇江有许多圆木匠铺,还可以在老街小巷里不时地见到挑着担子,一路吆喝“箍桶喽”的手艺人,他们是流动的圆木匠。现在,城里的圆木匠铺子屈指可数,京畿岭一带有七八个木匠铺子,但只有老陈一家是圆木匠。 Carpenter master Lao Chen, who was 66 and Baoying, opened a small shop at No. 102 Jingyin Road. He specialized in making buckets in buckets and the business was booming. The person who made the pot in the hoop bucket was called a round carpenter. The round carpenter is a branch of the carpenter’s business and specializes in the fine work of carpenters, bathtubs, toilets, mules and other carpenters. After 30 years of backwards, there are many round carpenters in Zhenjiang. From time to time, in the streets and alleys, you can see the burdens of plucking the “hoop barrels.” They are mobile round carpenters. Now, there are only a few carpenter shops in the city. There are seven or eight carpenter shops in Jingyiling, but only Lao Chen is a round carpenter.
我们偶尔看到这类句子:I am completely tired(我完全疲劳了)或I am very exhausted(我筋疲力尽了)。句中修饰形容词tired和exhausted的副词completely和very是否使用正确?
在英语中经常可以看到这样的句子: It is very difficult for you to pass the examination. It is very kind of you to come and tell me all this. 这就是It is + adj. +
在表达“禁止、不许某人干某事”时,动词forbid常用于forbid sb. to do sth. 这一句型中。不过,在现代英语中,我们时常能见到一些forbid sb. from doing sth.的实例。如: T
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Already ubiquitous in homes and cars, plastic is now appearing inbridges. An academic-industrial consortium based at the University ofCalifornia in San Diego i
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