
来源 :高原医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hfg595
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目的:观察不同时间节点不同年龄对高原遂行多样化军事任务官兵血压的影响。方法:分别于官兵在海拔2 200m出发前及在海拔3 500m以上遂行多样化军事任务一周内、两周后,返回海拔2 200m后一周内、两周后用台式血压计对不同年龄官兵进行血压监测,比较不同时间节点及不同年龄血压的差异。结果:与官兵进驻高原前血压监测(监测2 380例官兵血压)结果比较,进驻高原后第一周特别是前三天2 361例官兵血压升高,一周后血压逐渐恢复,但仍高于进驻高原前血压,两周后血压基本恢复到进驻高原前血压。返回后一周内2 263例官兵血压升高,一周后逐渐恢复,两周后2 360例官兵血压基本恢复到进驻高原前血压,但是不同年龄血压的变化不一,年龄越大(40岁以上)的官兵恢复到进驻高原前血压越慢,年龄较大(50岁以上)官兵中有20例血压一直居高不下而演变为持续性高血压。结论:部队官兵遂行多样化军事任务到达高海拔地区后,应激反应前三天非常明显,且持续7天左右,一周后血压逐渐恢复。 Objective: To observe the effects of different ages and ages of nodes at different ages on the blood pressure of officers and men in diversified military missions. Methods: Two days later, two weeks later, the officers and men returned to the altitude of 2 200m and the diversion of military tasks above 3 500m respectively. Two weeks later, blood pressure Monitoring, comparing different time nodes and blood pressure at different ages. Results: Compared with the results of blood pressure monitoring before the officers and men stationed in the plateau (monitoring the blood pressure of 2 380 officers and soldiers), the blood pressure of 2 361 officers and soldiers in the first week, especially the first three days after entering the plateau increased. After one week, the blood pressure gradually recovered but still higher than that of the stationed High blood pressure before the plateau, two weeks after the blood pressure returned to the original high altitude blood pressure. The blood pressure of 2 263 officers and soldiers rose in the first week after their return, and recovered gradually one week later. After two weeks, the blood pressure of 2,360 officers and soldiers was basically restored to that of the former high blood pressure stationed in the plateau, but the blood pressure varied with age. The older (over 40 years old) Of the officers and soldiers restored to stationed in the plateau before the slower blood pressure, older (50 years of age) officers and soldiers in 20 cases of blood pressure has been high and evolved into persistent hypertension. Conclusion: After the officers and men of the armed forces conducted diversified military missions to reach high altitude, the first three days before the stress reaction became very clear and lasted for about 7 days. After one week, the blood pressure gradually recovered.