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市场面分割策略与地区价格策略是市场学中的两大原理。这两大原理也适用于社会主义市场经济体制下的农村医疗市场宏观管理。 所谓市场面分割是指在卫生主管部门审核下,根据农村医疗单位各方面条件确认的医疗市场占有率,或疾病面的大小。地区价格是由卫生部门统一规定的不同层次医疗收费标准。同一病种或医疗项目有三种价格。其一是特约医疗收费价格。社区内的群众向指定的社区医疗单位办理特约医疗证并交纳一定数额的医疗基金,享受该医疗单位的优惠价格服务,其收费价格即特约医疗收费价,为最低价。其二是转诊价格。社区医疗单位不能处理的疾病转向联系单位时,办理特约医疗证的病人享有相对优惠的医疗收费价格。其标准略高于特约单位收费价格。其三是市场价 Market segmentation strategy and regional price strategy are two major principles in market science. These two principles also apply to the macro-management of the rural medical market under the socialist market economy system. The so-called market segmentation refers to the medical market share or the size of the disease surface, which is determined according to the conditions of rural medical institutions under the examination of the competent health authority. Regional prices are different levels of medical fees and charges that are set by the health authorities. There are three kinds of prices for the same disease type or medical item. The first is the special medical charge price. The people in the community apply for a special medical certificate to the designated community medical unit and pay a certain amount of medical funds, and enjoy the preferential price service for the medical unit. The charge price is the special medical charge price, which is the lowest price. The second is the referral price. When a disease that cannot be handled by a community medical unit is turned to a contact unit, the patient who has a special medical certificate will enjoy a relatively favorable medical charge price. Its standard is slightly higher than the special unit price. The third is the market price
今年的就业分析会统计资料表明:企业将仍然是今年就业的主流,那么,具备什么品质的毕业生才会是企业人士的首选呢? This year’s Employment Analysis statistics show that:
妇炎生肌散是我院多年用于妇科疾病的协定处方 ,具有解毒、止痛、消炎、收敛生肌及促进创面愈合的功效 ,主要用于妇科轻中度宫颈糜烂、老年性阴道炎、霉菌性阴道炎、滴虫性阴
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Objective To determine the nucleotide sites of hepatitis C virus (HCV), which can be cleaved by ribozymes, and to obtain a highly effective, nontoxic and inexp