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今年3月25日,《中华人民共和国反倾销和反补贴条例》公布实施。通过立法反倾销是许多国家为实现公平贸易而采用的重要手段,它已成为一种国际惯例。我国反倾销条例的实施将对限制进口产品低价倾销、保护国内产业起到重大作用。 然而,一些消费者对反倾销却不太理解。他们说,外国货又好又便宜;对老百姓实惠,一反倾销便得不到这些实惠了。其实,外国企业以低价倾销商品,并不是想给进口国消费者带来实惠,而是想挤垮进口国国内企业,以达到未来独占或垄断市场、获取高额利润的目的。一旦这些进口产品垄断了市场,其价格必然会变动。如果民族产业垮了,企业倒闭,就会失业增多,人们的收入也会下降。所以说外国倾销产品虽然短期看可让进口国消费者得到一些实惠。但从长远看,最终会使消费 March 25 this year, “People’s Republic of China Anti-dumping and Countervailing Regulations,” promulgated. Adopting Legislation Anti-dumping is an important instrument adopted by many countries in order to achieve fair trade. It has become an international practice. The implementation of the anti-dumping regulations in our country will play a significant role in restricting the dumping of imported products at low prices and protecting the domestic industries. However, some consumers do not quite understand anti-dumping. They said that foreign goods are good and cheap; they benefit the common people and can not afford these benefits if they are anti-dumping. In fact, foreign enterprises dumping goods at a low price is not trying to bring tangible benefits to consumers in the importing countries. Instead, they want to crush the domestic enterprises in the importing countries in order to achieve the purpose of monopolizing or monopolizing the market in the future and obtaining high profits. Once these imported products monopolize the market, their prices are bound to change. If the national industry collapses and the business goes bankrupt, unemployment will increase and people’s income will drop. Therefore, although foreign dumping products in the short term allow import-side consumers to get some tangible benefits. But in the long run, it will eventually make it
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【摘要】随着多媒体的应用越来越广泛,多媒体在教育中的运用也愈来愈重要,美术作为一门重要的学科,在日常生活中的应用也越来越信息化。因此,无论是在综合性大学里还是高职中,学校都不同程度地加强多媒体在美术教学中的应用。尤其是在高职院校的美术教学中,更要注重培养学生的多媒体学习能力和运用能力,提高学生的美术信息化学习能力。  【关键词】高职;多媒体;美术教学  在传统美术教学中,大部分的高职学生都是停留在
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本文介绍了南京航空航天大学CAD中心将CADDS5软件运用于汽车摩托车行业的情况,并以二个例子介绍产品的具体开发过程。同时说明了该软件的特点及良好使用性能。 This article