
来源 :云南教育(视界综合版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suease
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在云南这片教育热土上,历来都不乏为教育事业“吐丝方尽”的园丁。他们普通而平凡,但,是他们把赤诚无私地撒进这片并不丰腴的高原;是他们默默地挥洒着汗水,浇灌了祖国的花朵;是他们用无悔的青春谱写了一篇篇感人至深的教育乐章。2009年,为这片红土高原树人立德的一串串令人感动的名字又一次让我们深深铭记:倒在坚守34年讲台上的德钦县乡村教师桑培;积极保护国家一级动物——黑颈鹤的会泽县大桥乡李家湾小学教师王高祥;为达尔文的“进化论”打了一个必要“补丁”的云南大学古生物研究重点实验室主任侯先光;情系教育,多年投资办教的民营企业家张迦茚……他们的名字是那么的亲切,他们的事迹让我们感动,云南教育也因为他们而不断前行。为了讴歌这些教育工作者爱岗敬业、无私奉献的高尚情操,宣传他们为教育事业作出巨大贡献的崇高精神,由中共云南省委高校工委、云南省教育厅主办,云南教育报刊社、昆明教育电视台、云南信息报社承办的“2009年度云南教育风云人物”评选活动落下了帷幕。活动面向社会,历时1年,从云南各级各类学校、各级教育行政部门和关心、支持教育工作的社会人士当中,采取基层推荐,层层把关,媒体采访宣传,按照公平、公正的评选原则,相关媒体专家综合人物事迹、读者投票等因素,从39名宣传的候选人当中评选出了20名2009年度云南教育风云人物。本刊特选编2009年度“云南教育风云人物”颁奖词,以飨读者。 In this hot land of education in Yunnan, there has always been no lack of education “gardener”. They are ordinary and ordinary, but they solemnly and unselfishly splashed into the plateau, which is not rich. It is they silently swaying their flowers and irrigating their motherland; they write an article with regrettable youth Deep education movement. In 2009, a string of moving names for this man in the lateritic plateau reminded us once again that Sangpei, a country teacher in Deqin County, who has stood firm for 34 years on the podium, has actively protected the country level Animal - black-necked crane Huichang County Bridge Township primary school teacher Li-Wan Wang Gaoxiang; for Darwin’s “Evolution” hit a necessary “patch” of Yunnan University paleontology Key Laboratory of Pre-Hou Houguang; Department of Education Zhang Jiain, a private entrepreneur who has been investing for many years in investment management, ... their name is so cordial, their deeds touched us, and Yunnan education kept moving because of them. In order to eulogize the lofty spirit of these educators who love their jobs and dedication and selfless dedication and propagandize their lofty spirit of making great contributions to education, they are sponsored by the CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee of Universities and Colleges, sponsored by Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, Yunnan Education Press, Kunming Education TV station, Yunnan Information Newspaper host “2009 Yunnan education man ” contest came to an end. Activities for the community, which lasted 1 year, from Yunnan at all levels of various types of schools, educational administration at all levels and care and support of education among the community, take grassroots recommendation, check at all levels, media coverage, according to a fair and impartial selection Principle, relevant media experts integrated character deeds, readers vote and other factors, selected from the 39 publicity candidates 20 2009 Yunnan education man. Selected articles compiled 2009 “” Yunnan education man "presentation word to readers.