
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhyj747
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眼外伤是主要致盲原因之一,尤其儿童眼外伤对儿童的身心健康、学习、工作和生活等都将产生很大影响。我院自1976年1月至1978年底共有1007例眼外伤住院患者,其中儿童278例占眼外伤总数的27.6%。角膜和角巩膜裂伤共100例。现仅就此100例分析如下: 一般资料角膜裂伤77例,角巩膜裂伤23例。男性67例,女性33例。年龄最小4个月1例,1—5岁33例,6—10岁41例,11~14岁25例。伤情为自伤48例,误伤52例。伤因多由于剪刀、竹杆、玻璃、树枝及 Eye trauma is one of the main causes of blindness, especially eye trauma to children’s physical and mental health, learning, work and life will have a significant impact. Our hospital from January 1976 to the end of 1978 a total of 1007 cases of hospitalized patients with eye trauma, of which 278 children accounted for 27.6% of the total number of ocular trauma. Corneal and scleral laceration a total of 100 cases. Now only 100 cases of this analysis as follows: General information on corneal laceration in 77 cases, 23 cases of scleral laceration. 67 males and 33 females. 1 case of the youngest 4 months, 33 cases of 1-5 years old, 41 cases of 6-10 years old, 25 cases of 11-14 years old. Injuries were 48 cases of self-injury, 52 cases of injury. Injuries and more due to scissors, bamboo poles, glass, branches and
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第一部分法律中华人民共和国主席令第五十三号···……第21期第1页全国人民代表大会常务委员会 关于修改《中华人民共和国法官 法》的决定···············
目的在CHO细胞中表达单纯疱疹病毒(herpes simplex virus,HSV)Ⅱ型gC2蛋白,纯化后检测其免疫活性。方法利用ANTHEWIN等软件分析GenBank中HSVⅡ型gC2的氨基酸序列,筛选抗原表
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