1.发展横向经济联合能产生新的生产力 从人类社会经济发展的历史来看,在生产力水平低下,劳动工具简单,商品经济处于萌芽阶段,生产的组织形式一般是分散的、单个的,相互之间的经济联系是不多的。工业革命和机器的出现,使生产的组织形式由简单协作向复杂的高级的协作阶段过渡。这一过渡有助于形成新的生产力格局和生产环境,从而更加充分地发挥人的创造力。随着商品
1. The development of horizontal economic cooperation can generate new productive forces. From the historical point of view of the economic development of human society, at a low level of productive forces, with simple working tools and a commodity economy at an embryonic stage, the organizational forms of production are generally fragmented and individualized There is not much economic connection between them. The advent of the industrial revolution and the machine made the organization of production transition from a simple collaboration to a sophisticated advanced collaboration stage. This transition will help to create a new pattern of productive forces and production environment so as to give full play to human creativity. With the product