抢抓发展机遇 突出载体招商 强力推进区域经济高效快速发展

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我们让胡路区积极响应省政府的号召,认真贯彻市里提出的“大开放、大招商、大发展”政策,抢抓机遇,营造环境,突出载体招商,开辟了一条推进区域经济高效快速发展的成功之路。几年来,我们坚持了政府不办企业建环境,不管企业搞服务的工作思路,不断推出新举措,强化载体招商,相继辟建了乡镇工业小区、化工小区、建筑装饰材料城、大庆汽配城、富强工业园区、新华工业园区、宏伟棚室园区等10个载体,合同引资40亿元,到位资金18亿元,累计实现营业收入21亿元,不仅牵动了乡镇企业的迅速发展,而且初步形成了精细化工、建筑建材、农副产品深加工产业群体。我区连续4年获全市乡镇企业发展杯金杯奖,连续4年获全省兴乡企奔小康先进单位,乡镇工业开发区已被农业部命名为国家级乡镇工业示范区,化工小区(宇天化工集团)被原化工都评为先进企业,1998年度在全省市辖区乡镇经济总量排名中位居前列,喇嘛甸镇乡镇经济总量有望列全省1200个乡镇之首。我们的主要做法是: We made Hulu District respond positively to the call of the provincial government and conscientiously implemented the policies promulgated by the municipal government to seize the opportunities, create an environment, highlighting the carrier’s investment and opening up a market-oriented economy that promotes regional economic efficiency The rapid development of the road to success. Over the past few years, we insisted the government do not do business to build the environment, regardless of business ideas to engage in service, and constantly introduce new initiatives to strengthen the carrier investment, have set up the township industrial zone, chemical community, building decoration materials City, Daqing Auto Parts City, Industrial Park, Xinhua Industrial Park, the magnificent Greenhouses Park 10 carrier, the contract cited 4 billion yuan, 1.8 billion yuan in place funds, a total revenue of 2.1 billion yuan, not only affects the rapid development of township enterprises, and initially formed a fine Chemical industry, building materials, agricultural and sideline products deep processing industry groups. Our district won the Gold Cup Award of township enterprises for 4 years in succession and won the advanced unit of Xingxing Township Company to run a well-to-do well for 4 consecutive years. The township industrial development zone has been named as the National Township Industrial Demonstration Zone, Chemical Industry Zone (Yutian Chemical Group) were all evaluated as advanced enterprises by the former chemical industry. In 1998, the total economic output of townships in the whole province ranked the forefront. The total economic output of Lamaian Township is expected to be among the top 1,200 townships in the whole province. Our main approach is:
Anomalous origin of the coronary artery from opposite coronary sinus is infrequently observed during coronary angiography. Percutaneous coronary intervention (P