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发展师范教育和培训在职教师是发展教育事业的战略措施。建立一支有足够数量的、合格而稳定的师资队伍,是实行义务教育、提高基础教育水平的根本大计。为争取在一九九○年前后把我省在职小学教师的文化程度提高到中等师范毕业程度,云南省中等师范自学考试指导委员会决定,从一九八六年起,将逐步开展中等师范自学考试工作。本期,我们摘登云南省中等师范自学考试的有关文件内容,供广大教师参阅。为了有利于广大教师在职自学、积极参考,经与云南省中等师范自学考试指导委员会办公室商定,从明年第一期起,本刊将按开考科目顺序,根据中师自学考试大纲编写并陆续刊登中师自考的各科辅导材料,配合、帮助应考教师学习,请广大教师注意。 The development of teacher education and training of serving teachers is a strategic measure for the development of education. Establishing a qualified and stable teaching staff with a sufficient number is a fundamental plan for implementing compulsory education and improving basic education. In order to strive to raise the level of education of teachers in primary schools in our province to the level of secondary normal teachers around 1990, the Yunnan Province Secondary Normal Education Self-study Examination Steering Committee decided that, starting in 1986, the secondary normal education self-study examination will be gradually implemented. jobs. In this issue, we have included the contents of relevant documents for the Yunnan Normal Secondary School Self-study Examination for teachers’ reference. In order to facilitate the teachers’ self-study and active reference, the school agreed with the office of the Guidance Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Secondary School Self-study Examination. Starting from the first issue of the next year, the journal will be written in accordance with the outline of the examination subjects and will be published in succession. The subject counseling materials of the self-study teachers of the Central Normal University shall cooperate with and assist the teachers in the exams.
对《梅岭三章》中“此头须向国门悬”一句有以下几种解释: 一、把句中的“向”字释为“对着”。二、这句诗是“典故”(见《初中语文课本成语典故注释》,孙良明著),“故事见
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