
来源 :中国城市研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackfbi
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在全面建设和谐社会的宏观背景下,各级政府提出农民工融入城市的主张,农民工教育问题也随之提上议事日程;在从人口大国迈向人力资源强国的过程中,低学历(初中毕业及以下文化程度)农民工的素质提升成为重要课题。由于农民工群体的流动性及内部分层,农民工教育问题极其复杂:就教育需要而言,包括职业技能、生活习惯、公民意识、法治观念、家庭教育能力和闲暇礼仪等诸多方面;就教育供给而言,农民工不愿从微薄的收入中支付教育费用,户口所在地政府不愿或无法安排长期培训,流入地相关部门目前也没有有力措施。本课题组在广东省就农民工教育问题展开全面调查,力图全面呈现农民工教育需求及其供给问题的现状和问题,并据此提出政策性建议。 Under the macroscopic background of building a harmonious society in an all-round way, the government at all levels put forward the idea of ​​integrating peasant workers into the cities and put the education of migrant workers on the agenda. In the course of moving from a populous nation to a human resource powerful country, Graduation and the following education level) to enhance the quality of migrant workers has become an important issue. Due to the mobility and internal stratification of migrant workers groups, the issue of migrant workers’ education is extremely complicated: in terms of educational needs, there are many aspects such as vocational skills, living habits, citizenship awareness, the concept of the rule of law, family education ability and leisure etiquette; In terms of supply, migrant workers are reluctant to pay education fees from modest incomes. The local government where the household registration is located is unwilling or unable to arrange long-term training. Currently, there are no effective measures on the part of the inflow departments. Our group conducted a comprehensive survey on migrant workers ’education in Guangdong Province, attempting to comprehensively present the status quo and problems of migrant workers’ educational needs and their supply problems and put forward policy recommendations accordingly.
她与丈夫10年前就拥有了自己的公司,生活过得有滋有味,却不幸先后身患癌症。夫妻俩手术后回到老家静养,面对贫穷的山村和百姓们一双双祈盼致富的眼睛,她不顾病痛的折磨,发誓要帮助乡亲改变小村面貌,并高票当选村委会主任,用自己的羸弱之躯让小村发生今非昔比的巨变。她就是“全国最美村官”、山西晋中市昔阳县井沟村村委会主任马怀兰。  厄运袭来,“老板”夫妇回村休养遇尴尬  昔阳县井沟村是马怀兰丈夫周银柱的故乡,
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