
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wendiii
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  In people’s mind, children are more related to the positive words like “innocence” and “innovation”. However, the hope of the future is more and more involved in sexual assault incidents. Those incidents stimulate people’s sensitive nerves and challenge people's psychological bottom line again and again. Getting angry and sighing for the poor children, people also have to think what makes the children’s life so miserable and how to prevent these tragedies from happening again.
  Lagging Behind of Sex Education
  Recently, the “National Children's Survey of Sex Education” was initiated by The Beijing News and Maple Women's Psychological Counseling Center. The survey is divided into two parts of students and parents. 107 children aged from 6 to 14 participated in the written-form survey, and more than 1100 parents participated in the online survey. Children told us that their knowledge about sex mainly comes from their parents, and then schools. 38.04% of the children state that they have never been told to protect their own bodies. Similarly, 41.9% of the parents admit that they have never guided their kids to know their bodies and bodies of the opposite sex and only 37.9% of the parents said they have told the children to protect their “private parts” from being touched by other people. Although 68.4% of the parents have conducted sex education for children, more than one third of them focus on physiological knowledge, and only18.6% of the parents told their children how to ask for help and escape the scene when they might be under sexual assaulted.
  Given that it is a very private and sensitive topic, 93.1% of the parents support that program related to “prevention of child sexual abuse” should be added to the systematical education. However, what schools have done are far from enough. Only 8.3% of the parents know for sure that schools have relevant courses of the prevention of child sexual abuse, and 43.5% of the parents believed that there are no such courses in schools. The courses like this is not a compulsory course regulated by the state yet, and whether to open these courses is totally up to schools, so there is no standard for such courses. Some schools have similar courses, but only for inspections.   鉴于该话题难以启齿,调查中93.1%的家长支持将“预防儿童性侵害”相关教育纳入学校正规教育体系。然而,学校在性教育方面也存在着明显不足。仅有8.3%的家长表示明确知道学校在做性安全知识教育,43.5%的家长表示学校没开展过此类教育。由于不是国家硬性规定课程,学校可选择不开或变相开设此类课程,因此很不规范,有的学校甚至只是为了应付检查。
  The student part of this survey was the first to come across some embarrassing situation. Some school leaders believe it is too sensitive and would not like their students to answer the questions. Only 15 students in one school are allowed to fill the questionnaire. “The questionnaires are specially designed for middle school students, but it seems that they are still unacceptable for the parents”, experts from Maple said regretfully.
  .“The incidents of sexual assault are highly masked because parents would not like to disclose it due to the social pressure and other factors. Cases that have been accepted by courts and procuratorates on all levels are only a small part of them.” In the survey, only 42.8% of the parents show that they would call the police if their children are sexually abused, and 18.2% of the parents will choose to take their children away from the current circumstances and hide this experience forever. It is not hard to notice the gap: on one hand, people have realized the importance of sex education for children; on the other hand, when it comes to the implementation, people become the obstacle of sex education consciously or unconsciously due to the “sensitiveness”. If we continue in this fashion, sex education’s future is really worrying.
  Actually it is a true picture of what’s been happening in Chinese primary and middle schools. According to Xiong Bingqi, a renowned educationist, there are two reasons why the popularization of sex education is difficult in China’s schools. First, people, including teachers and parents, lack of the scientific understanding of sex education and are bounded by traditional morality, feeling ashamed to talk about sex with children. As a matter of fact, sex education is not that different from other subjects like literature and math. It helps children know about sex knowledge and morality, and at the same time, teaches them how to protect themselves. Sex education doesn’t encourage indulgence but foster their sexual values and self-protection awareness.   其实,这是包括中国在内的诸多中小学性教育的真实写照。在著名教育学者熊丙奇看来,性教育之所以在学校难以推进,与两方面因素有关。一是缺乏对性教育的科学认识,包括教师和家长在内的不少人受到传统道德观念的影响,总觉得有关性的话题不登大雅之堂。对学生进行性教育,则有教唆早恋之嫌。事实上,性教育和其他学科教育的性质没有什么不同,它将告诉学生科学的性知识、性道德,并教育引导学生如何保护自己。性教育不是鼓励放纵,而是让孩子有健康的性价值观和性保护意识、能力。
  Second, in China, parents and schools are obsessed by children’s performance on exams, and neglect their needs for citizenship and life education. Sex education, like physical and psychological education, is being marginalized. To achieve higher proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade, some schools even lay down rules to keep boys and girls separated to avoid “puppy love”, which doesn’t only violate students’ civil rights, but also lead them to wrong directions and will even cause serious psychological problems.
  Legal Loopholes
  Except for the absence of sex education, the abuse of power and the public’s lacking of legal consciousness also contribute to the frequent occurrence of child sex assaults. According to UNICEF, the lack of legal consciousness among developing countries including China has caused more and more children becoming victims of sex assaults. Dale Rutstein, the Chief of Communication and Partnership at UNICEF, suggests spreading the notion that sexually assaulting children is a crime and would be heavily punished to the public.
  In China, the laws and regulations aimed at protecting children from harm are limited by The Law on the Protection of Minors and The Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. There is no regulation and guidance of restraining ex-convicts, caring program, information sharing and early warning.
  On the other hand, the public are still questioning whether the charge of “underage prostitution” is too light, worrying that it might be the "passage out of death penalty” for the offenders with powerful background.   另一方面,随着性侵儿童案件不断暴光后,人们开始质疑,目前对于猥亵性侵儿童行为的处罚太轻,远不足以起到震慑恶徒,惩前毖后的作用。比如“嫖宿幼女罪”,在很多人看来,“嫖宿幼女罪”为放纵犯罪、为权贵提供了“免死通道”。
  Early Sex Education Prevents Children from Sex Assaults
  The frequent occurrence of child sex assaults has led people to ask when the best age for children to receive sex education is. Researches show that the children in the age of 8 to 12 are in the highest risk of being sexually assaulted, but the danger actually exist in an age as early as 5. Therefore, early education is highly necessary, which require schools and parents to think about this very issue.
  As children’s legal guardians, parents are inevitably responsible for providing early education for their children, and their default could endanger their children. For schools, basic civic education should be provided to let children know about their rights and responsibilities so as to ensure they can protect themselves and at the same time, won’t do other people any harm. Without any doubts, self-protection education against sex assaults should be included.
  Zheng Yuanjie, the renowned author and the “King of Children’s Fairy Tales”, told the press when receiving an interview that self-protection education should be the first lesson children receive in schools, with both girls and boys included. In addition, there are also risks for children to have over reliance on their teachers since hypocrites may walk among them.
  Prevention education is important. Parents and schools should not avoid sex subjects and topics; rather, they should provide children with proper guidance about sexuality: refusing sexual requests asked by anyone. Therefore, children should be told that what sexual assault is, what kind of behaviors are unacceptable and what should they do when they actually get assaulted: try to calm down and find a wise way to escape when they get assaulted and avoid irritating the offender, immediately inform parents and the police and go to hospital for medical examinations, and if, unfortunately, there is no way to escape, try to avoid getting killed.   Sex education has different stages. One’s sex psychology came into being when he or she is born, and therefore sex education should not be postponed to puberty time. Children in different stages have different sex psychologies, which require parents to conduct sex education accordingly. Kids should develop self-protection awareness in kindergarten to identify danger, and in elementary school and junior high, capabilities and skills of self-protection should be further fostered.
  Avoid secondary trauma. The information children should get from their parents is that if they are injured, it’s not their own fault, so that the children can eliminate the self-suspicious, self-denial self-denigration and shame in their hearts, build self-awareness and elevate self-worth. To avoid the secondary trauma, parents should respect children’s will and do not force them to go to school if they don’t want to. The recovery time for sex assault could be very long, and it’s important for parents to be understanding for unusual and emotional behaviors during such time. Parents should refuse visits, even by the grandparents, as much as possible, and avoid keeping asking the children to remind the incident, and keep in mind that inappropriate approaches could cause secondary trauma. In addition, seeking physiological and, if possible, psychological treatments are also necessary.
  Further Development and Improvement of Relevant Laws and Regulations
  On top of conducting sex education, experts said that further developing and consummating relevant laws and regulations is also essential for the purpose of protecting children from harm. Achieving such purpose requires a lot of efforts, for instance, clearing people’s doubt on the charges of “underage prostitution”. You Wei, a law professor from East China University of Politics and Law, says that the charges are not imagined, but defined and refined from summing up experiences. The charges and penalties are being transformed and amended over time, owing to the changes of the society conditions and people’s perception, and sometimes adjustments and detailing will also be made if necessary. According to You, the charge of underage prostitution is still classified as a felony in China law system, which could receive a penalty of at least 5-year imprisonment which exceeds the minimum penalty for rape charges of 3-year imprisonment. Besides, although the deterrent of severe punishments are necessary, the excess dependence on heavy penalties should be avoided, especially the death penalty. Actually, improving the awareness of prevention and spotting potential crimes are much more effective than simply applying heavy penalties. Therefore, further researches on crime prevention are necessary.   除了性教育先行之外,专家表示进一步发展和完善保护儿童免受性侵的相关法律同样至关重要。这需要时间,也需要做大量的工作。比如,对于民众对“嫖宿幼女罪”的质疑,华东政法大学游伟教授表示,法律上的犯罪罪名从来就不是凭空想象而来的,它有一个不断总结司法经验并加以比较、提炼的过程。从中国刑法的演变历史和发展情况来看,随着犯罪状态、社会形势以及人们对具体犯罪问题的认识深化,有些犯罪罪名和处罚标准会不断发生变化,有的会进行必要的调整甚至细化。在他看来,“嫖宿幼女罪”在中国现在的整个犯罪体系中,依然处于“重罪”的范围,这可以从它的最低起点刑中得到体现。现行刑法对它的法定最低刑规定为有期徒刑五年,它比之普通的强奸罪还要重(强奸罪的最低刑是有期徒刑三年)。另外,从犯罪预防的角度上讲,刑罚制裁的作用虽然不可缺少,也不应该被低估,但同样要避免所谓的“重刑依赖症”,尤其要防止死刑对遏制犯罪所起作用的过度迷信。事实上,提高防范意识,增加违法犯罪行为的发现率和惩罚率,远远要比单纯重刑威慑的成效要更为显著,我们更应该在这些方面多进行研究,寻求更为有效的控制犯罪的对策。
  Dale Rutstein has provided four suggestions on children-targeting sex crime prevention: first, different “sex assaults” should be defined by law; second, inflict more severe punishment upon sex criminals targeting the underage; third, provide support and consulting services for victims’ families; fourth, governments and schools should further conduct close cooperation to prevent such crimes.
  According to Dale Rutstein, sex education and punishing the sex offenders, although highly necessary, won’t be enough. The recently-occurred has proved that only when all social sectors cooperate to build a shelter for children and care about their growth can they actually prevent tragedies from happening. Failing to protect the children will be not only a failure for the families, but also a humiliation for the entire human society. Therefore, all countries should enhance vigilance and the safeguarding of children’s happy childhood.
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