幸田来未 日系No.1魅惑指标

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在日本艺能界,很难找到比滨崎步更完美、更成功的个案;作为一个完美的艺能产品,她的成功之路已经成为了整个行业钻研和模仿的对象。而作为始作俑者,avex唱片公司也企图通过同样的手段不断炮制出第二个、第三个滨崎步——欧美最好的造型师打造百变造型、每年三张单曲、一张大碟的高强度发片、春季全国巡回20多场演唱会、夏季a-nation全国巡回演唱会、圣诞节和年末的倒计时跨年演唱会、铺天盖地的杂志封面、见缝插针的无数电视电台通告……不过就在新近评出的“ORICON最有型女艺人”排名中,幸田来未击退安室奈美惠、滨崎步、hitomi、BoA、大冢爱、中岛美嘉等名列第一位。放眼当今日本乐坛,没有谁敢像幸田来未这样将性感把玩到极致,将大胆进行得如此彻底。这个女生自信满满地站在舞台上,开心唱歌,放声大笑,向世人展示着自己的自信和魅力。去年开始,幸田来未更进行了一个史无前例的创举——12单曲连发,以环球一圈的各国性感造型登场的新鲜。12个不同的造型,12种不同的音乐,以每周一首的速度发出。在3个月的“狂轰滥炸”后,我们记住了她,当今歌坛的性感女神——幸田来未。 In the Japanese arts community, it is hard to find a more perfect and successful case than Ayumi Hamasaki. As a perfect art product, her success has become the object of study and imitation throughout the industry. As the initiator, avex record company also tried to concoct the second and third Ayumi by the same means - the best stylists in Europe and America to create a variety of shapes, three singles each year, an album of high Intensity hair piece, the spring national tour of more than 20 concerts, the summer a-nation concert tour, Christmas and year-end countdown to New Year’s Eve concerts, overwhelming magazine covers, seemingly endless number of television announcements ...... But in the recent In the ranking of “ORICON’s Most Fashionable Female Artist”, Koda beat Nan Amuro, Hamasaki Ayumi, hitomi, BoA, Otsuka Ai, Nakashima Mika and others for the first place. Looking at today’s Japanese music scene, no one would like to be sexy like Koda never play to the extreme, will be so bold to do so. The girl stands on the stage with confidence and enjoys singing, laughing and showing her confidence and charm to the world. Last year, Koda unveiled an unprecedented pioneering act - 12 singles bursts of hair, all around the world sexy shape debut fresh. Twelve different shapes, 12 different music, issued at the speed of a song a week. After 3 months of “bombing”, we remember her, the goddess of today’s pop music - Koda Kumi.
一幅传神逼真的人物画,一首形象生动的配图诗,就构成了一件精美别致的人物字画。这虽然不是杨近文的首创,但也是他晚年的无悔追求。  杨近文,现年81岁,土生土长的贵州人,他从小受父亲影响而喜欢绘画,1983年从贵州省图书馆退休。  他有一个愿望,就是在有生之年画完贵州明朝以来的民族精英、名人才子,以及新中国的开国元勋等,并举办一个画展,让青少年了解贵州,树立起热爱贵州、建设家乡的浓郁情怀。通过20多年