
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stslayer
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森林不仅是人类重要的生产资料,也是人类调控环境的锐利武器.加深对此问题的理解,不仅对我国的林业建设,而且对人类赖以生存的环境,都会产生积极的影响.森林与环境的关系我们知道,人类环境有自然环境和社会环境之分,这里说的环境,指的是自然环境.著名生态学家马世骏教授指出,环境在生态学中的含义是:一定空间内,多种因素对生物有机体共同构成的综合作用;近代环境科学又把环境解释为一个包括近地层所有生物,空气、水和土壤的生物地理系统.据此可知,森林既是一种相对独立的生态系统,也是人类环境的有机组成部分;森林生物可以影响森林环境,从而也就可以影响与其毗邻地区的生态环境;森林是人类环境的有机组成部分,也是人类环境的一个衡量标志,人类可以能动地利用森林提高环境质量. The forest is not only an important means of production for mankind, but also a sharp weapon for mankind’s control of the environment.To deepen the understanding of this issue will have a positive impact not only on our country’s forestry construction but also on the environment upon which mankind depends Relationship We know that the human environment has a natural environment and the social environment of the points, where the environment, referring to the natural environment.Mr. Ecstasy professor famous ecologist pointed out that the meaning of the environment in the ecology is: a certain space, a variety of factors The combined effect of living organisms on the body; modern environmental science in turn interpret the environment as a biogeographical system that includes all organisms, air, water and soil in the near-Earth formations, indicating that the forest is both a relatively independent ecosystem and a human The organic components of the environment; forest organisms can affect the forest environment, which can also affect the ecological environment with its adjacent areas; the forest is an integral part of the human environment, but also a measure of the human environment, human beings can use the forest to improve the environment quality.
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