
来源 :西安政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anan52ok
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1994年的《圣雷莫手册》与 190 9年的《伦敦宣言》相距 85年 ,两者都是海战法文献 ,但有关保护平民与战争受难者的规定却大不相同。《伦敦宣言》只是规定了交战国在拿捕禁运品和行使摧毁权时有关保护平民和战争受难者的问题 ,因为该宣言只是为当时打算建立的国际捕获法院制定的一个适用于国际捕获审判的国际公约 ;而《圣雷莫手册》则全面地规定了在海战中对平民与战争受难者的保护问题。因为它吸收了迄今有效的所有关于在海战中保护平民与战争受难者的国际法规范。从对两者的分析可以看出 ,2 0世纪关于在海战中保护平民与战争受难者的国际法已经有了很大的发展。但是 ,《圣雷莫手册》有些规定在实战中难以执行 ,有些规定不够详细 ,而且缺乏对违法者的惩治机制 ,这些正是海战法今后发展的趋势。 The Sanremo Handbook of 1994 was 85 years apart from the London Declaration of 1909, both of which were written in maritime law, but the provisions on the protection of civilians and war victims are quite different. The London Declaration only dealt with the question of the protection of civilians and victims of war when the belligerents were holding embargoes and exercising the right of destruction because the declaration was merely an international convention applicable to international capture trials for the then international capture court which it was planning to establish ; And the Sanremo Handbook comprehensively provides for the protection of civilians and war victims in naval battles. Because it incorporates all the norms of international law that have hitherto been effective in protecting civilians and war victims in naval battles. From the analysis of the two, we can see that the international law in the 20th century on the protection of civilians and war victims in naval warfare has been greatly developed. However, some provisions of the San Remo Manual are difficult to enforce in actual combat. Some of the provisions are not detailed enough and there is no mechanism for punishing offenders. These are the trends for the future development of naval law.
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