发展横向联合 深化城市改革——山东省潍坊市的调查

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山东省潍坊市在经济体制改革中,突出抓了企业的横向经济联合,促进了城乡经济的发展。1985年,全市工农业总产值突破100亿元,比上年增长15.6%。横向经济联合呈现出蓬勃发展的新势头1985年以来,潍坊市的横向经济联合有了新的进展,其范围之广、方式之多、效益之好,都是前所未有的。企业的横向经济联合已从前几年的临时性物资交换发展为物资、技术、资金、人才四位一体的较为长期稳定的经济技术协作;以市区内的联合扩展到跨地区、跨省、市的联合。1985年全市县属以上企事业单位共与外地搞经济联合的项目达951项,搞技术协作930项,经济技术协作总额1.06亿元,引进资金9,500多万元,物资协作总额达3.8亿元。目前,全市县属以上工业企业经济联合体已发展到219个,参加联合的本地及外省、市企事业单位共686个。横向经济联合的形式概括起来,主要有以下几种: Weifang City, Shandong Province, promulgated the horizontal economic cooperation of enterprises in the economic system reform and promoted the economic development in urban and rural areas. In 1985, the city’s total industrial and agricultural output exceeded 10 billion yuan, an increase of 15.6% over the previous year. Horizontal economy unfolding a new momentum of vigorous development Since 1985, the horizontal economy unification of Weifang has made new progress. Its scope is wide, the methods are numerous and the benefits are good, all of which are unprecedented. The horizontal economic cooperation of enterprises has been developed from the temporary material exchange in previous years to the more long-term and stable economic and technological cooperation of goods, technology, funds and talents. With the joint expansion in the urban area, it has been extended to cross-regional, inter-provincial and municipal The union. In 1985, 951 enterprises and institutions engaging in economic cooperation with other cities in the whole city engaged in economic cooperation, engaging in 930 technical cooperation projects, totaling 106 million yuan in economic and technological cooperation, introducing more than 95 million yuan of funds and material cooperation amounts to 380 million yuan. At present, the economic association of industrial enterprises above the county level in the city has grown to 219 with a total of 686 participating local, provincial and municipal enterprises and institutions. To sum up the forms of horizontal economic cooperation, there are mainly the following types:
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