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为了认真贯彻国务院调整粮油统销价格的决定,按照国家的统一部署和安排,结合我省实际,决定从一九九一年五月一日起,调整我省粮油统销价格,现将具体贯彻意见通知如下:一、适当提高粮油统销价格。国家安排我省成都市场三种粮食中等质量标准品平均每公斤统销价格提高二角一分三厘八。菜籽油每公斤提高二元六角七分二厘二。由于我省油菜籽是实行的综合价收购政策(每五十公斤七十八元),受到广大农民的欢迎,促进了生产的发展。这次国家调整食用油价格是实行“购销同价”的原则,因此,我省菜油统销价格每公斤应为四元四角六分,提高二元九角七分二厘二,其它食用油我省已实行议价敞开供应。粮油统销价格调整后,销售价格尚未完全理顺,粮食购销价格倒挂部分和粮油经营费用 In order to conscientiously implement the decision of the State Council to adjust the unified marketing price of grain and oil, in accordance with the unified arrangements and arrangements of the state and the reality of our province, it is decided to adjust the unified marketing price of grain and oil in our province from May 1, 1991. As follows: First, an appropriate increase in grain and oil marketing prices. The state arranges three kinds of medium-quality foodstuffs for grain in the Chengdu market in our province, raising the average retail price per kilogram by one third to three percent. Rapeseed oil per kilogram raised two yuan six two two two cent. Because our province rapeseed is the implementation of a comprehensive price acquisition policy (50 yuan per kg 78 yuan), welcomed by the majority of farmers, and promoted the development of production. The national adjustment of the price of edible oil is the implementation of “purchase and sale of the same price ” principle, therefore, our province vegetable oil marketing price per kilogram should be four yuan four corner six points, an increase of two nine nine seven two two two other edible oil Our province has implemented bargain open supply. After the adjustment of grain and oil marketing prices, the sales price has not been fully straightened out, the upside-down portion of grain purchase and sales costs and the operating expenses of grain and oil
大部分人对于服装的潮流更迭趋之若鹜,但却忽视了配饰的地位和作用。John Galliano说,配饰搭配得宜,整体才会升彩,这大概也是他在自己的设计中一直大力推崇时髦配饰的原因。
一年前,一位南京的爱猫女生,一只叫赖皮黑的小黑猫,在网上开始了收留心灵的生意。爱猫的心、爱生活的心、爱美的心都可以找到收留自己的地方,并把它带回家。 A year ago, a
中国棉花协会近日发布2003年第1期棉花收购动态,内容如下:9月中旬以来,全国棉区陆续开秤收购新棉。总体看,今年棉花产购销形势呈现出以下几个特点: China Cotton Associati