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学校概况西南大学是2005年7月经国家教育部批准,由原西南师范大学、原西南农业大学合并组建的教育部直属重点综合性大学,国家“211”工程建设学校。学校位千重庆市北碚区国家级风景名胜区缙云山簏、嘉陵江畔,占地9000多亩,至今已有百年办学历史,学校现有97个本科专业,195个硕士学位授权点,44个博士点,师资力量雄厚,办学规模和质量居西部高校前列。学院简介西南大学新闻传媒学院组建于2006年4月,由原西南师范大学新闻学专业、播音与主持艺术专业、广播电视编导专业以及原西南农业大学信息中心等合并而成。学院现有三个系:新闻学系,广播电视系、传播学系:设有三个本科专业:新闻学、广擂电视编导、播音与王持艺术;現有一个传播学硕士点(包括新闻传播、新媒体传播、影像传播、网络传播四个研究方向),另有三个硕士研究方向:中国理当代叙事文学、电影艺术理论、传媒教育技术。学院现有全日制本科生588人,研究生84人。师资力量学院现有教职工30人,其中教授4人、副教授6人、博士9人(包括在读),专任教师分别来自中国人民大学、中国传媒大学、北京师范大学、华东师范大学、南开大学、武汉大学、四川大学、西南大学、香港中文大学、日本信州大学等海内外著名高等院校,是一支充满蓬勃朝气、有较强教学与科研能力的教师队伍。学院教师主持并出版了国家级教材5项:高等教育“面向二十一世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”国家级立项教材、普通高等教育“十五”、“十一五”国家级规划教材、国家级新课程标准实验教材等。学院聘请了原中国广播电影电视部党组成员、原国际广播电台台长、中国广播电视学会副会长、《中国广播电视学刊》主编张振华教授担任名誉院长。聘请了清华大学刘建明、北京大学影吉象、中国传媒大学胡智锋等12位教授、博士生导师任兼职教授,还聘请了著名主持人汪涵等一大批传媒业界精英任指导教师。办学理念 School Overview Southwest University in July 2005 by the State Ministry of Education approved by the former Southwest China Normal University, the former Southwest Agricultural University merged directly under the Ministry of Education focused on comprehensive university, national “211” construction school. The school is located in Chongqing Beibei District National Scenic Area Jinyun Shantou, Jialing River, an area of ​​9000 mu, has a hundred years of history, the school currently has 97 undergraduate programs, 195 master’s degree authorization points, 44 doctoral programs, Strong teachers, school size and quality of the forefront of Western colleges and universities. College Profile The Southwestern University School of Journalism and Communication was established in April 2006 by the former Southwest Normal University journalism major, broadcasting and hosting arts, radio and television director of professional and former Southwest Agricultural University Information Center merged. The college has three departments: Department of Journalism, Department of Radio and Television, Department of Communication: There are three undergraduate programs: journalism, TV screencasting, broadcasting and Wang Tiaowu art; a master’s degree in communication (including news media, Media dissemination, image dissemination, network dissemination of four research directions), and another three master’s research directions: Chinese contemporary literary narrative literature, film art theory, media education technology. College now has 588 full-time undergraduates, 84 graduate students. Teachers College currently employs 30 people, including 4 professors, 6 associate professors, 9 PhD (including reading), full-time teachers from Renmin University of China, Communication University of China, Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, Nankai University, Wuhan University, Sichuan University, Southwest University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shinshu University and other famous institutions of higher learning at home and abroad, is full of vigor and vitality, a strong teaching and research ability of teachers. College teachers presided over and published five national textbooks: higher education “oriented to the twenty-first century teaching content and curriculum system reform plan” state-level teaching materials, general higher education “fifteen”, “eleven five” national planning textbook , National new curriculum standard experimental teaching materials. The college hired a former member of the Party Committee of China Radio, Film and Television Department, the former director of International Radio, vice president of China Radio and Television Society, “China Radio and Television Journal” editor Zhang Zhenhua as honorary president. Hired Liu Jianming of Tsinghua University, Peking University Ying Ji, Hu Zhifeng of Communication University of China, 12 professors, doctoral tutors as part-time professors, also hired well-known host Wang Han and a large number of elites of the media industry as the instructor. School philosophy