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(一) 做好調查了解工作在开学时,敎师就通过班主任了解每班学生的籍貫,共有几种方言,在小学里学習过注音字母没有,如学过,讀音是否正确等等。然后再把各方言区的学生进行分类,分別真組織,为以后發現問題和搜集資料做好准备工作,因为敎师做好調查了解工作以后,就可以随时利用学生的方言来脫明方言与普通話的区別。如在《緒論編》中說明方言之間最大的区別在語音时,做过調查了解工作的敎师在做練習2时,①就能找出一个山东学生,一个泰兴学生,一个揚州学生各讀一段《牛郎織女》中的課文,再由敎师用普通話朗讀一遍,最后由学生进行此較,說明这四种讀音中哪些字的讀音差別最大,再进一步使学生了解学習民族共同語的重要性,学生感到印象非常深刻。又如在敎《語音編》的《声母辨正》和《韵母 (A) to do a good job surveys Understand the work At the beginning of the school, the division teacher through the class teacher to understand the origin of each class of students, a total of several dialects, primary school did not learn phonetic letters, such as learned, pronunciation is correct and so on. And then the dialect area of ​​students classified, respectively, really organized, for the future to find problems and collect information to prepare for the work, because teachers do a good job of investigation and understanding of the work, you can always use the students’ dialects to clear the dialect and Mandarin The difference As explained in the “Introduction” dialect, the biggest difference between the voice, did a survey to understand the work of the teacher when doing Exercise 2, ① can find a Shandong students, a Taixing students, a Yangzhou students reading A piece of text in “The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl” was read aloud again by the teacher in Putonghua. Finally, the students conducted this comparison to show which of the four pronunciations had the greatest difference in pronunciation. Then, the students were further taught about the importance of learning the common national language, Students feel very profound. Another example is in 敎 “speech” “initial consonant” and "vowels
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