
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sonicff8
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从2008年开始在甘肃省天水市秦州区中梁乡郁闭低效红富士苹果园实施了高光效树形改造试验示范。主要措施为提干、压冠,改造中注意保护好剪锯口,忌大拉大砍,冬夏修剪相结合,大小年区别对待。针对示范园为山旱地的现状,在配套栽培技术环节,总结出了秋季黑膜垄沟覆盖和行间覆草、生草相结合的办法,最大限度降低地面蒸发。通过3年高光效树形改造关键技术和配套栽培技术的综合运用,使试验示范园通透条件和树体结构明显改善,每667 m2平均产量2 000 kg左右;单果重、商品果率均有明显提升;2010年每667 m2平均产值11 603.2元,较对照增加6 005.4元,经济效益显著。 Since 2008, a demonstration project of high light efficiency tree transformation has been carried out in the irrigated low-efficiency Fuji apple orchard in Zhongliang Township, Qinzhou District, Tianshui City, Gansu Province. The main measures to mention dry, crown pressure, pay attention to the protection of a good cut in the kerosene mouth, avoid pulling large cut, combined with winter and summer pruning, the size of the year to be treated differently. In view of the status quo of the demonstration farmland being dry and upright in mountainous areas, this paper summed up the measures of covering black-field ditch in autumn and combining grass with grass and grass in the line to minimize the evaporation on the ground. Through the comprehensive utilization of key technologies and supporting cultivation techniques of three-year high-efficiency tree-shaped reconstruction, the permeation conditions and tree structure of the experimental demonstration garden were significantly improved, with an average yield of about 2,000 kg per 667 m2. The average output value per 667 m2 in 2010 was 11,603.2 yuan, an increase of 6,005.4 yuan over the control figure, with remarkable economic benefits.
湖北光敏核不育水稻 Hubei Photoperiod-sensitive Genic male-sterile Rice(HPGMR)具有短日照可育,长日照不育的特性。本研究探明了农垦58(A—B)等晚粳类型的光敏感核不育水
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