
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong590
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本文总结了中国30多年来对苹果矮化砧木的利用工作,依据大范围的区域试验结果,论述了矮化砧木在苹果密植丰产栽培中的作用,提出了利用苹果矮砧的区划意见,以及与矮砧苹果相适应的系列栽培技术,最后就矮化砧木利用中的看法进行了讨论。作者认为在中国的主要苹果产区如渤海湾、胶东、黄河故道、秦岭北麓以及渭北高原等地均可栽培矮砧苹果,现在已经有了比较成熟的经验,因地制宜地选择利用矮化砧木,将对提高中国的苹果栽培水平起到积极作用。 This paper summarizes the utilization of apple dwarfing rootstocks in China over the past 30 years. Based on the results of a wide range of regional experiments, the role of dwarfing rootstocks in planting densely populated apple trees is discussed. Dwarfing apple adapted to a series of cultivation techniques, and finally dwarfing the use of stock in the discussion. The author believes that apple dwarfing plants can be cultivated in the main apple producing areas in China, such as the Bohai Bay, Jiaodong, the old course of the Yellow River, the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains and the Weibei Plateau. Nowadays, there are more mature experiences in choosing the dwarfing rootstocks , Will play an active role in raising the level of apple cultivation in China.
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