
来源 :西伯利亚研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ooo2231
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1913年出现在俄国采金工业和采矿业技术杂志上的一连串报道(常是一些短讯),以及在公众刊物上时而刊登的关于向外国人转卖西伯利亚采矿工业和采金工业企业的报道,自然引起了世人的关注.的确,在短短的5—6年内,在西伯利亚创建了相当多的外国矿业股份公司,在这些企业中值得一提的大型企业有:西伯利亚私人采矿企业、西伯利亚采矿企业、卡里伊斯克采金工业公司、涅尔琴斯克采金工业公司、斯巴斯克铜矿、叶尼塞铜业公司.中央西伯利亚公司、东西伯利亚辛迪加、西伯利亚托拉斯及其他一些企业.早在1907年初,在《黄金和白金》杂志上刊登了关于有可能以300万卢布把托木斯克省有很大知名度的伊万尼茨基的一些矿山卖给一家美国公司的消息以及向美国人出售 A series of reports (often some short messages) that appeared in the Russian gold-mining industry and mining technology magazines in 1913, and the frequently published reports in public journals about the reselling of the mining industry and the gold mining industry in Siberia to foreigners, naturally Indeed, in just a short period of 5-6 years, a considerable number of foreign mining stock companies have been established in Siberia, among which mention is made of the following: Siberian private mining companies, Siberian mining companies, Kariysk Mining Industries, Nerchaktsuk Mining Industries, Spaskerk Copper Mine, Yeseni Copper Industries, Central Siberia, East Siberian Syndicate, Siberian Trust and others. As early as 1907 , Published in the magazine “Gold and Platinum” on the sale of some mines in Ivnitski, probably with a reputation of 3 million rubles in Tomsk Province, to a U.S. company and sales to Americans
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1 病例报告rn患者男,15岁.因不慎跌倒被木头刺伤臀部,膝胸位肛检见肛门皱皮肌稍紊乱,钟点位7点处距肛门约1 cm处,有一长约2 cm,深约10 cm伤口,有活动性出血,肛门指检未见异常