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前些天,在京参加一论坛,由刚成立不久的民间智库艾丰经济发展研究院主办。论坛发布了一套非常新颖的指数——“中国企业创新力指数”。研究院院长艾丰先生首先登台,介绍该指数是怎么回事,为什么要搞这么一个指数,搞出来到底有什么用。  艾丰,经济日报原总编辑、资深媒体人、著名经济学家,说起话来,生动风趣,颇具鼓动性:各位朋友,作为全国那么多智库中平平常常的一员,为什么成立未久,就要花费那么大气力,弄出个“企业
Ribbons of the two-phase titanium alloy were fabricated by single-roller rapid solidification technique,and aged at high temperature. The microstructure of ribb
The influence of deformation parameters including deformation temperature,degree and speed on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TA15 titanium allo
Multi-walled carbon nanotube(MWCNT)-reinforced copper composite was fabricated by a novel method,which involves solution phase synthesis of MWCNT-implanted cupr
作为华人首富的李嘉诚,旗下拥有长江实业、和记黄埔、长江基业、电能实业,产业触角遍布全球52个国家,横跨通信、基建、港口、石油、零售等各个领域。  自1999年被福布斯评为全球华人首富以来,李嘉诚已连续15年稳居这一宝座,2012年其身家已超过220亿美元。  现在,耄耋之年的李嘉诚俨然已经变成了财富的代言人,象征着一个时代的财富印记与符号。如今李氏帝国已经确立了接班人,就接班结果来看,李嘉诚的接班
The filling and solidification in centrifugal field, as well as the forming mechanism of off-center porosities were summarized, based on the mathematical model
The corrosion inhibition property of PEG600 and In(OH)3 as composite corrosion inhibitors for secondary alkaline zinc electrodes was studied,and the inhibition
The phase composition and electrochemical performances of microarc oxidation(MAO) films prepared on AZ91D alloy by using step-down current method in a phosphate