中国有句俗话:“天上不会掉馅饼。”天上真的没有“馅饼”吗?有,而且还大得很!这不,52岁的美国人杰姆斯·本森(James Benson)正积极进行着准备,为在下个世纪从太空捞一大块馅饼大干一场。 本森在30年前开始从事计算机方面的工作,到1984年办起一家商用软件公司。由于竞争太激烈,他不得不在1995年将公司卖给别人,退休回家。过厌了无所事事的生活之后,一天夜里他望着繁星密布的天空,回想起自己用望远镜探索土星光环的少年时代,突发奇想,决定创办一家公司,专门设计、制造并发射驶往近地球小行星的太空飞行器。
There is a saying in China: “The sky won’t fall out of pies.” Isn’t there really a “pie” in the sky? Yes, it’s still big! No, the 52-year-old American, James Benson, is actively preparing for a big pie in space for the next century. Benson started working on computers 30 years ago and started a commercial software company in 1984. Due to the fierce competition, he had to sell the company to others in 1995 and retire home. After a disgusting life, he looked at the starry sky one night and recalled his boyhood exploration of the Saturn’s halo with his telescope. He decided to start a company that designed, built, and launched a vehicle for the near-earth planet. Planetary spacecraft.