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目的 :探索和建立耳鼻咽喉科病历的计算机管理系统。方法 :在PentiumCeleron 333计算机上安装MicrosoftOffice 97软件 (包括Word和Excel两部分 ) ,开发研制本管理系统 ,并应用EPSON LQ16 0 0K针式打印机打印输出病历。整个电子病历系统包括住院病案、术前谈话、手术记录、出院记录等 4部分和内容详尽的病历索引文件 ,收录了 6 0多种耳鼻咽喉科常见疾病的样板病史。在索引文件中查找最符合新收病例样板病史的同时 ,又将新写病历的关键资料添加到病历数据库中 ,便于今后的科研统计工作。根据实际收治患者的病史特点 ,对检出的样板病史中某些细节进行“有或无”式的修改 ,就能够得到一份内容详尽 ,格式规范 ,且具有个性化的病史。由于精确地设置了所需打印内容的字体和行距 ,每份病案都能准确地打印在相应的空格和横线上。结果 :电子病历内容完整详尽 ,无错误 ,遗漏 ,病案的格式规范 ,字迹清晰 ,提高了病案书写质量和医师的工作效率和工作质量。结论 :由于电子病历具有多种永久保存形式 ,提高了住院病案的管理质量 Objectives: To explore and establish a computerized management system for otolaryngology records. Methods: Microsoft Office 97 software (including Word and Excel) was installed on the PentiumCeleron 333 computer. The management system was developed and printed out using the EPSON LQ1600K stylus printer. The entire electronic medical records system includes in-patient medical records, preoperative conversations, surgical records, discharge records and other four parts and a detailed medical records index file containing over 60 common diseases of otolaryngology sample history. In the index file to find the most consistent with the history of the newly received case model at the same time, the new key records of medical records will be added to the medical records database for future scientific research and statistics. According to the characteristics of the actual treatment of patients with history, some of the details of the history of the sample plate to detect the “with or without” type of modification, you can get a detailed, standardized format, and a personalized medical history. Due to the precise setting of the font and line spacing of the desired print, each medical record can be accurately printed on the appropriate white space and horizontal lines. Results: The contents of EHR were complete and complete, no errors and omissions, normative format of medical records, and clear writing, which improved the quality of medical records writing and physicians’ work efficiency and work quality. Conclusion: As electronic medical records have a variety of permanent preservation forms, improving the quality of management of inpatient medical records
目的 为了有效地预防和控制院内感染,保证无菌物品质量,确保医疗安全,不断改进无菌包封包方法及标识,使无菌包更加规范,符合国家卫生行业标准,符合感染管理要求.方法 通过对
目的探讨乌司他丁治疗急性胰腺炎的临床效果及机制.方法 80例急性胰腺炎病人随机分为乌司他丁治疗组和抑肽酶对照组,观察各组治疗后症状、体征消失天数及实验室指标变化.结果
目的:对甲磺酸酚妥拉明分散片进行了体外溶出度试验。方法:选用转篮法,溶出量采用紫外分光光度法测定。结 果:本品3批3min平均溶出量均超过标示量的80%。结论:本方法用于甲磺
窦口鼻道复合体(ostiomeatal complex,OMC)是近年鼻内窥镜检查和手术开展后提出的新名称,此区域是前组鼻窦引流的所在部位,也是功能性鼻内窥镜手术的重点区域,手术若对该处病