The Exponential Law Between Dwell Time and the Strength of PBX Substitute Material

来源 :固体力学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunx
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Polymer-bonded sugars (PBSs) can be used as a substitute material for polymerbonded explosives (PBXs) due to their ability to simulate the mechanical properties of PBXs.In the process of pressing a PBS,the length of the dwell time has a significant impact on the mechanical properties of the PBS.This reinforcing effect is based on the residual pressure causing the binder to flow and gradually fill each defect.Through the use of Darcy's principle of binder infiltration and viscoelastic theory,an exponential relationship between the compressive strength of PBS and the dwell time has been derived.From the experiments,it was found that the extreme forces that correspond to the compaction stage of the PBS samples with different dwell times were almost the same;this indicates that there is tolerance to damage during the compaction stage.The existence of the compaction stage is related to the brittleness of the PBS.The experimental results showed that as the dwell time increased,the rate of damage evolution of the specimen decreased.
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