治学严谨 成就卓著——记著名经济学家董辅礽

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在群星璀璨的中国经济学界,他是一位德高望重、倍受推崇的贤者。他的人格品性、治学态度、探索精神、超前意识和理论贡献,得到了经济学界老中青三代人的一致称赞。他在50年的学术生涯,不管是研究计划经济,还是计划经济向市场经济过渡的转轨经济,都取得了令人羡慕的成就。他的学术成果不仅为国内同行所首肯,也得到了国外同行的高度评价,为祖国赢得了荣誉。他不是一个书斋式的学者,从年轻时代起,他就把面向社会、关注现买、服务人生作为治学的出发点。开一代理论先河,做经世致用文章是他毕生追求的信念。他把干革命和做学问很好地统一起来,实现了作为一个“理论战士”的人生价值。他为国效忠,为人师表,称得上是一个表里如一、名副其实的经济学家。他磊落坦荡、虚怀若谷,坚守理论操守,保持为学品格。他对社会作出的实际贡献远大于他的声名。在他进入古稀之年后,仍然笔耕不止。他居住在北京一个普通的民居里,以学养身,胸怀伏枥之志,以超乎寻常的健朗、敏捷和勤奋,一如即往地正道直行在人生的旅途上。他就是中国著名经济学家董辅礽。1997年7月26日,正是董辅礽教授70华诞之日,在北京人民大会堂浙江厅,首都经济学界百十来人,老、中、少三代聚集一堂,为他祝寿,同时举行董辅礽学术生涯50周年暨经济思想研讨 He is a respected and respected sage in the bright stars of Chinese economics. His personal character, his attitude towards scholarship, the spirit of exploration, his advanced awareness and his theoretical contributions have all along won the unanimous applauses of the three generations of the economists. During his 50-year academic career, he achieved enviable accomplishments both in the study of a planned economy and in the transitional economy of a planned economy to a market economy. His academic achievements have not only been acknowledged by domestic counterparts but also won high praise from foreign counterparts and won honors for his motherland. He is not a scholastic scholar, from a young age, he put the community, pay attention to buy, serve life as a starting point for scholarship. The first generation of theory to open a new era, so do articles for the world is his lifelong pursuit of faith. He unite the revolution and the study well and realize the value of life as a “theoretical warrior.” He loyalty for the country, as a teacher, called a superb, real economist. His magnanimous, open minded, stick to theoretical integrity, to maintain the character of learning. His actual contribution to society is far greater than his fame. After he entered the seventies, still more than pen. He lives in an ordinary dwelling in Beijing to study and cultivate his own destiny. With exceptional health, agility and diligence, he is just as straightforward as he is on his journey to life. He is the famous Chinese economist Dong Funeng. On July 26, 1997, it was Professor Dong Fukui’s 70th birthday. He was celebrated at the Zhejiang Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, a group of over 100 people from the capital’s economics field. His three generations of old, middle and young people gathered for his birthday and held his academic career. 50th Anniversary and Economic Thought
目的:分析不同干预下去卵巢大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells,BMSCs)多时相差异表达基因(differentially expressed genes,DEGs)及其参与的
解剖1例中年男尸,约50岁,身长170 cm,外形无畸形,发现其腹主动脉及下腔静脉易位,表现为左位下腔静脉合并奇静脉变异(图1)。解剖学研究表明,下腔静脉变异类型多样,其中左位下
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