加快国际化进程 提升现代化水平

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党的十六大对于全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化作了全面部署,其主要任务之一就是坚持“引进来”和“走出去”相结合的方针,加快对外开放和国际化进程,推进国际化战略,提升现代化水平。东方通信在党的十三届四中全会以来的13年发展历程中,在以施继兴总裁为代表的企业家带领下,依靠“引进来”和“走出去”相结合方针的指引,采用技术引进和合资经营嫁接改造国有企业,开拓国内外市场,提高综合竞争力,已经取得显著成效和不凡业绩。13年来,企业持续高速发展,产业规模扩张400多倍,国有资产增值160余倍,2001年东方通信含合资企业的销售收入达到160亿元,国有资产已经超过30亿元,成为浙江省产业规模最大的高新技术企业,中国移动通信产业的领航企业。东方通信在1996年企业重组上市之后,加快技术引进步伐并加大自主研发的力度,按照市场导向,不断推出适销对路的自主产品和东信品牌,同时促进合资企业不断增加产品出口。今年 The 16th CPC National Congress has made a comprehensive plan for building an overall well-to-do society and accelerating the socialist modernization. One of its major tasks is to adhere to the principle of “bringing in” and “going out” and speeding up the pace of opening up to the outside world The process of internationalization, promote international strategy, upgrade the level of modernization. In the course of 13 years since the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Guided by the principle of “bringing in” and “going out” under the leadership of entrepreneurs represented by President Shi Jixing , The introduction of technology and the joint operation of grafting to transform state-owned enterprises, developing domestic and foreign markets and enhancing their overall competitiveness have achieved remarkable results and remarkable achievements. In the past 13 years, the rapid development of enterprises, the industrial expansion of more than 400 times, more than 160 times the value of state-owned assets in 2001, Eastern Communications, including joint ventures with sales revenue reached 160 billion yuan, state-owned assets have more than 3.0 billion yuan, becoming the industrial scale of Zhejiang Province The largest high-tech enterprises, China’s mobile communications industry pilot enterprises. Following the reorganization and listing of enterprises in 1996, Orient Telecom accelerated the pace of technology import and intensified its independent R & D efforts. According to the market orientation, Dongfang Telecom continuously introduced its own products that are marketable and Eastcom brand, and at the same time, promoted the joint ventures to continuously increase the export of products. this year
19世纪时,一些欧洲旅行家来到了太平洋上一个名叫“亚布”的岛上。在这里,他们发现当地人使用着一种十分奇特的叫做“分”的巨大石币。这是一种用石灰岩矿物,即一种霰 At th
皮肤孢子丝菌病的发生,常与职业接触植物有关.其病原菌申克氏孢子丝菌,为植物中的一种腐生菌.本文报告两例兽医的助手,因管理同一只感染的猫而患皮肤孢子丝菌病. The occur