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为探讨神经肽Y与动脉粥样硬化的关系,用ABC免疫组织化学及体视学方法观察高脂血症大鼠肠系膜上动脉神经肽Y免疫反应性神经纤维的变化。(1)定性观察:对照组各时期神经肽Y免疫反应性神经纤维呈网状攀附于血管周围,分布均匀,并见串珠状膨体;高脂组纤维呈密集网状分布,在纤维网孔中出现大量较纤细的新增生纤维,其排列较紊乱,膨体清晰可见,这种变化见于各期实验组。(2)定量结果:对照组各时期纤维密度无明显改变;高脂组纤维密度逐渐增多,30d、90d与7d比较差异显著(P<0.01),且分别较对照组增多(P<0.01)。结果提示,血脂升高可促使肠系膜上动脉壁神经肽Y免疫反应性神经纤维增生,这种变化可能与动脉粥样硬化的发生、发展有关 In order to investigate the relationship between neuropeptide Y and atherosclerosis, the changes of neuropeptide Y immunoreactive nerve fibers in the superior mesenteric artery in hyperlipidemic rats were observed by ABC immunohistochemistry and stereological methods. (1) Qualitative observation: In the control group, the neuropeptide Y immunoreactive nerve fibers adhered reticularly around the blood vessels and distributed uniformly, and beaded bulge was seen. In the high fat group, the fibers were densely and reticulately distributed, In the emergence of a large number of more slender new fibers, the arrangement of disorders, bulky body clearly visible in this period of change in the experimental group. (2) The results of quantitative analysis showed that there was no significant change in the fiber density in the control group at each time point. The fiber density in the hyperlipidemic group increased gradually (P <0.01), and the difference was significant at 30d, 90d and 7d .01). The results suggest that elevated blood lipids may promote neuropeptide Y immunoreactive nerve fiber hyperplasia in the superior mesenteric artery wall, which may be related to the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis
以反式-3-[N,N-二(2-吡啶甲基)氨甲基]-2-羟基-5-甲基苯甲醛肟(H2L)为配体,合成了一个新颖的线性三核铜(Ⅱ)配合物[Cu3L2(py)](Cl O4)2·2THF(1)(py=吡啶,THF=四氢呋喃),对其
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玉米粗缩病的显性症状已被广大农户认知,但隐性症状还未准确判断。经过4年观察,归纳了玉米粗缩病的隐性症状和发生隐性症状的原因,并提出防治对策。 Dominant symptoms of m
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对《信息检索——从手工到联机、光盘、因特网》一书的内容范围、体例结构、表述方式等进行综述,并对全书作出评价。 A review of the scope, structure, and presentation
A high-level singing group is devoted to a type of traditional performance art of the Bouyei ethnic group in Guizhou Province.Their sound has nourished the love
熟悉美国文化的朋友一定知道有一种改装车风格叫HOT ROD,HOT ROD大多是指为了直线加速赛而改装的大扭矩大功率美式“肌肉车”。我们参考客户的要求学习放逐机车的风格,订制了