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1 病例报告患者男性,82岁。因发热、咳嗽1 d,于2005年3月2日来我部就诊。患者于1年前因泌尿系感染自服氟哌酸出现一过性血尿,经对症治疗消失。无结核、肾结石等病史,无食物过敏史。查体:体温38.2℃,血压105/60 mm Hg,心率98次/min,体重78 kg,双眼睑无浮肿,咽红(+),双肺呼吸音粗,右肺底闻及少量湿性罗音,心脏听诊无异常,腹软,肝脾未触及,神经系统无异常。血常规:白细胞14.6×10~9/L,中性粒细胞0.78,淋巴细胞0.22。尿常规正常。胸透:肺纹理增粗,诊断肺部感染。给予来立信(乳酸左旋氧氟沙星注射液)0.2 g 静脉滴注,每日2次。夜间小便时尿道口轻度胀 1 Case Report Male patient, 82 years old. Due to fever, cough 1 d, March 2, 2005 to my ministry. Patients with urinary tract infection since 1 year ago norfloxacin appeared transient hematuria, the symptomatic treatment disappeared. No tuberculosis, kidney stones and other medical history, no history of food allergies. Examination: body temperature 38.2 ℃, blood pressure 105/60 mm Hg, heart rate 98 beats / min, weight 78 kg, eyelid edema, red throat (+), lung breath sounds thick, right lung bottom smell and a small amount of wet rales No abnormal heart auscultation, abdominal soft, liver and spleen not touched, no abnormal nervous system. Blood: white blood cells 14.6 × 10 ~ 9 / L, neutrophils 0.78, 0.22 lymphocytes. Urine routine normal. Chest throat: thickening of the lungs to diagnose lung infections. Give Ericsson (levofloxacin lactate injection) 0.2 g intravenous infusion, 2 times a day. Urethral mouth mild swelling when urinating at night
谁都不喜欢埃尔西,她总是掐别人,太讨厌啦!  上课的时候,她掐坐在旁边的小男孩,小男孩疼得都哭出声来了。在家里,她掐小妹妹,还掐邻居家的一对双胞胎。出去玩的时候,她就掐她旁边的小朋友。谁都不愿意被掐,所以大家都讨厌埃尔西!  妈妈很生气,说:“你怎么老是掐别人?这可是坏毛病,一定得改掉。”  埃尔西没有听妈妈的话,还是照样掐人。有一天,老师带小朋友们到很远的海边去玩儿。埃尔西可高兴了,坐在大客车上
AIM: To investigat the relation between hepatotoxicity of halothane and sevoflurane and altered hepatic calcium homeostasis in enzyme-induced hypoxic rats. METH
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Rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts were used as an immunogen to produce monoclonal antibodies selected for their reactivity with stromal cell antigens. Mice were i
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