Determination of chromium in ferrochromium, the general decomposition of sulfuric acid samples, the use of silver nitrate in the sulfuric acid or sulfur - phosphoric acid medium as a catalyst, ammonium persulfate oxidation of chromium to high prices, and the use of sodium nitrite or sodium chloride reduction of high Manganese to eliminate the interference of manganese. However, with sodium nitrite reduction of manganese, due to the high content of chromium in ferrochrome (50%), even in the presence of urea, it is difficult to ensure chromium is not reduced; if the use of sodium chloride or hydrochloric acid to eliminate High price of manganese interference, the time it takes too long. Therefore, we improved the determination of chromium in ferrochromium, using hydrochloric acid to decompose ferrochromium samples to speed up the sample-dissolving speed, and then remove the hydrochloric acid with sulfur-phosphorus mixed acid. In a certain proportion of mixed sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid, Potassium manganate chromium oxide to high prices, followed by chlorination