Before the wage system is fully reformed, it is particularly important to formulate and improve the bonus system. However, how to distribute bonuses, the Fourth Department Store of Bengbu City has undergone a process of development. Previous practices The store had engaged in the “average point award” and “comment on the award”, the two bonus distribution methods are not effective. The “average point award” obviously goes against the principle of making a bonus. It is not an award for over-working, an average allowance for employees’ wages, and therefore impossible to achieve the purpose of bonuses. Although the awards are distributed according to the first, second and third graders, they appear to have been distributed according to work on the surface and seem to have gone along the mass line. In fact, because there is no strict, scientific and specific examination standard and assessment method, not only Can not improve economic efficiency, but also affect the unity between the cabinet group, cabinet group members. They later adopted the “Scorecard Award.” The specific approach is to verify the effectiveness of various social services