Research on diversity receive technology for wirelessoptical communication using PPM in weak turbule

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In order to mitigate atmospheric turbulence, the free space optical (FSO) system model with spatial diversity is analyzed based on intensity detection pulse position modulation (PPM) in the weak turbulence atmosphere. The slot error rate (SER) calculating formula of the system without diversity is derived under pulse position modulation firstly. Then as a benchmark, independent of identical distribution, the average slot error rates of the three linear combining technologies, which are the maximal ratio combining (MRC), equal gain combining (EGC) and selection combining (SelC), are compared. Simulation results show that the performance of system is the best improved by MRC, followed by EGC, and is poor by SelC, but SelC is simpler and more convenient. Spatial diversity is efficient to improve the performance and has strong ability on resistance to atmospheric channel decline. The above scheme is more suitable for optical wireless communication systems.
In this Letter, we demonstrate that by adjusting the thickness of the buffer layer, the optical responses of a guided-mode resonance filter (GMRF) can be improved for sensor applications. The GMRF is fabricated using a replica molding with a plastic subst
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提出了一种基于1064 nm Nd∶YAG激光光源的三维微结构制备技术。利用激光照射下热塑材料发生局部热融并沿光轴方向膨胀生长的特性, 将热塑性材料置于封闭的液体环境中, 当激光光源移除后, 受周围液体冷却作用影响, 膨胀部分迅速凝固成凸起形状, 由此完成三维微结构制备。我们搭建了三维微结构制备实验系统, 采用1064 nm Nd:YAG激光器作为制备光源, 盛有样品的容器固定于二维扫描工作台上, 以实现激光光斑与热塑性材料间的二维相对移动。利用实验系统完成了石蜡点状及线状微结构的制备, 实验结果表明,
针对井下甲烷浓度监控干扰大的问题, 结合实时监测甲烷浓度的系统要求, 设计角镜连动的自消震光学结构, 构建了基于无线网络的实时数据通信系统.在干涉系统中, 固定两个角镜位置, 将两片半透半反镜用连杆结构同步旋转, 由此产生光程差.由于采用了连杆结构, 任意时刻引入的震动在两个分束镜上等量存在, 其结果是差分值, 可实现完全相消.由分析分束器的最大旋转范围计算得到系统的光程差变化范围.结合比尔朗伯定律, 给出系统在井下工作的甲烷气体浓度最低检出限.分别在实验室及矿井主巷道中完成实验过程, 通过化学反应法求得
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金属纳米颗粒具有局域表面等离子共振效应,由于其独特的光学特性、易控的表面化学能力和优良的生物相容性,被广泛应用于生物成像领域。针对旋转对称金纳米颗粒(金纳米旋转椭球、纳米圆柱和纳米棒)在生物成像中的应用,利用T矩阵方法和介电函数尺寸修正模型,研究了旋转对称金纳米颗粒的共振后向光散射特性,获得了最优后向光散射特性及对应的最佳尺寸参数。考虑了生物成像中使用的三个典型激发波长(830,840,900 nm),结果表明,纵横比为3.7、长度为146 nm的金纳米旋转椭球在入射光波长900 nm处具有最优的后向光散