初遇写字 多方结合 奠定基础——写字第一课有感

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拼音的教学方法如果不当会让学生觉得枯燥、乏味,学起来也比较累。一些平时学习注意力不太集中的孩子的家长往往会反映孩子回家复习起来特别吃力。今年班中新生的人数特别多,好不容易让孩子们把拼音一关过了,又要立马步入识字、写字环节。如何让他们尽快进入状态,衔接好接下来的知识是值得我们深深思考的。汉字是中华文化的符号,是我们历史演变的一个见证,是我国民族文化的瑰宝之一。它的美需要我们细细 Pinyin teaching methods if inappropriate will make students feel boring, boring, learn more tired. Some parents who usually do not pay attention to their children tend to reflect that the children are particularly hard to go home for review. This year the number of new students in the class is particularly large, finally let the children passed the pinyin, but also immediately entered the literacy, writing links. How to get them into the state as soon as possible, the convergence of the next knowledge is worth our deep thinking. Chinese characters are symbols of Chinese culture, a testimony of our historical evolution, and one of the treasures of our national culture. Its beauty needs us to be careful
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