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  his rural region with its lush green rolling hills is a 1)treasure trove of bamboo. This is Dehong, the western part of Yunnan Province in China. Bamboo grows 2)profusely in this region. Here a bamboo forest is flourishing around this village. The local people use bamboo for all sorts of purposes. Even to this day, most of life’s essential goods are made of bamboo, and all are handmade.
  This is the Teng family residence on the outskirts of the village. It is, of course, surrounded by a bamboo forest. Mr. Teng starts to cook the day’s catch. The firewood used by the household is also bamboo. Meals are eaten on the 3)veranda. The Tengs’ extended household includes their son, his wife and their grandchildren. A bamboo cup is used for drinking wine. Walls are made from woven bamboo. The terrace is also made from bamboo. People here live a nearly self-sufficient life through cultivation of rice, vegetables and the ingenious use of bamboo.
  Mr. Teng owns a total of 6,600m2 of bamboo forest located in four different locations. This forest has been handed down from Mr. Teng’s grandfather. With a little bit of human assistance, a healthy bamboo forest can be sustained. Today Mr. Teng has cut down some bamboo known as huangzhu, or, in English, yellow bamboo. It is the best variety for basket-weaving. This bamboo has great length between its knots, which makes it good for making baskets.
  It has been approximately 100 days since the rice was planted. In this sub-tropical climate, rice grows very fast, and it is already time for harvest. The Teng family puts a lot of effort into working during this very important time of year. Their daughter, Yunbo, who is married into a neighbouring family, brings the Tengs some tea. Yunbo is pregnant. Mr. Teng’s new grandchild is expected in four months. Taking a break from rice harvesting, Mr. Teng makes his way to the bamboo grove. He is looking for something. This is a bamboo 4)borer. This moth 5)larva is known in China as a bamboo insect. Eggs were laid here in the early summer and they have now grown into larvae. Many of these larvae can be found at the nodes of the bamboo. The bamboo borer can only be caught during this season and is considered a bit of a delicacy in this region. It is said to be high in nutrients and especially good for women during pregnancy. The larvae are being cooked in oil. This meal was prepared for his daughter, cooked with a father’s love.
  March. A new season has arrived again. Back at the Teng family residence, their daughter Yunbo pays another visit. Ah, their new grandchild has been born healthy and happy. It’s a boy. He 6)slumbers peacefully in his bamboo cradle. This cradle was built with loving care by his grandfather.   With one more grandchild added to his 7)brood, Mr. Teng heads back to the bamboo grove. This bamboo was planted and raised by his grandfather. He chooses some young bamboo trees and digs their roots out of the ground. Mr. Teng has moved the bamboo to a small hill overlooking the village. This bamboo is going to be the start of a new grove for his grandson. By the time his grandson reaches elementary school a rich and dense thicket of bamboo will have grown.
  The rainy season approaches again. The bamboo groves of Yunnan, China, are cultivated and tended by human hands. These lush forests serve as home and life source for both humans and animals. A new cycle of life begins at the bamboo forests.


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