患者 男,46岁,因左下后牙自发痛、咬合痛来我院就诊。查:颈部楔状缺损。不松动,叩击痛,探已穿髓,无活力。处理:从(牙合)面开髓,由于根尖部的细小弯曲而未拔出全髓,置樟脑酚棉捻开放。6小时后疼痛消失,但有下前牙龈区及唇部麻木,且逐渐加重。3日后复诊,查:左下唇不能区别牙刷方向。探针刺无痛觉。X光检查:见根尖区无异常。处理:维生素B_1每H10mg肌肉注射,1周后复诊,疼痛、麻木等症状均消失。 讨论:一般认为根管治疗过程中易出现疼痛、肿胀等合并症。伴三叉神经分支麻痹尚少见报道。颌
Male, 46 years old, because of spontaneous pain in the lower left posterior teeth, bite pain to our hospital. Check: cervical wedge defect. Not loose, percussion pain, exploration has been through the pulp, no vitality. Treatment: open from the (occlusal) surface of the pulp, due to the small curvature of the apical portion without pulling out the whole pulp, camphor phenol cotton twist open. Pain disappeared after 6 hours, but there was numbness in the lower gingival area and lip and gradually increased. 3 days after referral, check: the left lower lip can not distinguish between the direction of the toothbrush. Probe prick painless. X-ray examination: see the apical area without exception. Treatment: Vitamin B_1 per H10mg intramuscular injection, referral after 1 week, pain, numbness and other symptoms are disappeared. Discussion: Generally believed that during root canal therapy prone to pain, swelling and other complications. With trigeminal nerve branch paralysis is still rarely reported. jaw