Implementation of LT codes based on chaos

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kick88888888
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Fountain codes provide an effcient way to transfer information over erasure channels like the Internet. LT codes are the first codes fully realizing the digital fountain concept. They are asymptotically optimal rateless erasure codes with highly effcient encoding and decoding algorithms. In theory, for each encoding symbol of LT codes, its degree is randomly chosen according to a predetermined degree distribution, and its neighbours used to generate that encoding symbol are chosen uniformly at random. Practical implementation of LT codes usually realizes the randomness through pseudo-randomness number generator like linear congruential method. This paper applies the pseudo-randomness of chaotic sequence in the implementation of LT codes. Two Kent chaotic maps are used to determine the degree and neighbour(s) of each encoding symbol. It is shown that the implemented LT codes based on chaos perform better than the LT codes implemented by the traditional pseudo-randomness number generator. Fountain codes provide the effcient way to transfer information over erasure channels like the Internet. LT codes are the first codes fully capable of the digital fountain concept. They are asymptotically optimal rateless erasure codes with highly effcient encoding and decoding algorithms. In theory, for each encoding symbol of LT codes, whose degree is randomly selected according to a predetermined degree distribution, and its neighbors are used to generate that encoding symbol are chosen uniformly at random. Practical implementation of LT codes usually realizes the randomness through pseudo-randomness number generator like linear congruential method. This paper applies the pseudo-randomness of chaotic sequence in the implementation of LT codes. Two Kent chaotic maps are used to determine the degree and neighbor (s) of each encoding symbol. It is shown that the implemented LT codes based on chaos perform better than the LT codes implemented by the traditional pseudo-randomness number generator .
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