Large-signal modeling method for power FETs and diodes

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dishunzhaopin
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Under a large signal drive level,a frequency domain black box model of the nonlinear scattering function is introduced into power FETs and diodes.A time domain measurement system and a calibration method based on a digital oscilloscope are designed to extract the nonlinear scattering function of semiconductor devices.The extracted models can reflect the real electrical performance of semiconductor devices and propose a new large-signal model to the design of microwave semiconductor circuits. Under a large signal drive level, a frequency domain black box model of the nonlinear scattering function is introduced into power FETs and diodes. A time domain measurement system and a calibration method based on a digital oscilloscope are designed to extract the nonlinear scattering function of semiconductor devices. The extracted models can reflect the real electrical performance of semiconductor devices and propose a new large-signal model to the design of microwave semiconductor circuits.
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