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当今世界科技迅猛发展,极大地影响和改变着人们的生活。对于英语这门语言而言,这些日新月异的科技进步给它注入了一股新鲜的气息,带来了新的词汇和信息。作为英语专业的学生当然应该了解英语的这些变化。本文通过论述师范院校英语专业开设科技英语课程的重要性以及针对目前科技英语教学的现状,提出针对学生学习需求和社会需求的教学方法。 The rapid development of science and technology in the world today greatly affects and changes people’s lives. For the language of English, these rapid advances in science and technology to give it a fresh atmosphere, bringing new vocabulary and information. Of course, English as a student should understand these changes in English. In this paper, the importance of setting up science and technology English course in English major of normal universities and colleges and the current situation of science and technology English teaching are put forward. The teaching methods are put forward according to students’ learning needs and social needs.
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