
来源 :首都博物馆丛刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ma_mwj
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随着当代博物馆的社会开放、公众服务职能的加强,展示作为博物馆的重要服务功能越来越受到重视。各综合博物馆除了重视代表本馆、本地区的常设展览外,定期更换的特展因为跳出常规展览长期不变的模式,形成一道亮色,为博物馆注入了许多新鲜的活力,吸引着公众定期来参观博物馆。特展因其内容鲜活多样、展示时间的短期性等特点,在展示设计的考虑上也有其不同于常设展览设计的特点。首博新馆自开馆以来,承办了几十个不同规模的临展,其中不乏来自各地区、各国博物馆的有影响的特展,笔者通过几年来对首博特展设计的工作经历,以内容结合形式设计为出发,来浅显地探讨对特展形式设计的把握。 With the opening up of contemporary museums and the enhancement of public service functions, exhibitions are gaining more and more attention as important service functions of museums. In addition to standing for the permanent exhibitions in the main building and in the area, the museums regularly change special exhibitions to create a bright color by jumping out of the regular exhibition mode. It injects many fresh vitality into the museum and attracts the public to visit regularly museum. Special exhibition because of its fresh and diverse content, the display of the characteristics of short-term, etc., in the display design considerations also have different characteristics of the design of permanent exhibitions. Since its opening, the Shibo New Museum has hosted dozens of exhibitions of various sizes, many of which have had influential special exhibitions from museums in various regions and countries. Through the years of experience in the design of the first exhibition, Content combined with the form of design as a starting point, to briefly explore the special form of the design of the grasp.
3.铁道部除锈标准 我国的机车车辆钢结构,所用的钢材绝大部分是普通钢材,对于采用普通碳钢制成的钢结构,一般都用涂装方法来提高它的使用寿命。为了给涂装提供符合要求的表
铁道部科学研究院 CD 阀专题研究组于1986年7月7日在广深线成功地完成了104型客车制动机加装 CD 阀的25辆扩编旅客列车的运行试验。紧急制动时,纵向冲击加速度较1985年环行
本文对《段规》中规定的车钩、钩尾框及钩尾扁销的几个检修限度提出了不同意见,并建议对某些限度应进行修改,以利检修。 In this article, we put forward different opinio