
来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:KingofPriser
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Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge (NIZK for short) proofs are fascinating and extremely useful in many security protocols. In this paper, a new group signature scheme, decisional linear assumption group signature (DLAGS for short) with NIZK proofs is proposed which can prove and sign the multiple values rather than individual bits based on DLIN assumption. DLAGS does not need to interact between the verifier and issuer, which can decrease the communication times and storage cost compared with the existing interactive group signature schemes. We prove and sign the blocks of messages instead of limiting the proved message to only one bit (0 or 1) in the conventional non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system, and we also prove that our scheme satisfy the property of anonymity, unlinkability and traceability. Finally, our scheme is compared with the other scheme (Benoitts scheme) which is also based on the NIZK proofs system and the DLIN assumption, and the results show that our scheme requires fewer members of groups and computational times.
From July 20 to July 23,Fan Rende,honorary chairman of China Rubber Industry Association(hereinafter referred to as CRIA)and director of Eucommia Industry Confe
华夏同庆、万众瞩目的北京奥运会于2008年8月8日正式开始了,汇聚中华儿女奥运情缘的吉祥圣火点燃古都北京的八月。奥运指定无线通信移动设备三星 Q1U 自诞生之日就备受关注,