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混乱是火箭队半程唯一可以形容的字眼。火箭队得到了什么?失去了什么?想得到什么?想失去什么?这样的问题本是我对人生的感悟,常常问自己的,但是在火箭丑陋地完成了半程赛季之后,我想所有火箭球迷都坐不住了。火箭队得到了阿泰斯特的血性,但没有效率;得到了兰德里和布鲁克斯的支持,但没得到阿帅信任;得到了穆托姆博的回归,但几乎不用;得到了韦弗的高性价比,但一样闲置;得到了麦迪的承诺,但没有得到兑现……火箭队失去的远比得到的多,他们没有了昔日防守,在场均得到98.4分(联盟第19)的同时,却失去了昔日范·甘迪时代的铁血防守,95.8分的失分(联盟第10)是近五年最高,而其他数据均在下降;火箭队失去的最重要的不是健康,不是阵容的不齐整,也不是防守,而是人心,在更衣室不断爆出混乱的声音和不和谐的一幕幕之后,火箭队近乎接近土崩瓦解的边缘,姚明承认现在的火箭出现了极大的问题。火箭队想得到总冠军,想得到健康,想得到人心和防守,可是这一切似乎在半程一起发生有点难度,想失去麦迪都成了妄想,如果麦迪赛季宣布报销。阿德尔曼的战术缺陷明显,对姚明、巴蒂尔和韦弗的运用让人很费解,他对主力和麦迪的迷信和在关键时刻的战术布置让人感觉到他甚至不如范·甘迪。火箭队已经到了一个非常关键的时刻,在全明星赛之后,火箭队的主场赛程开始减少,他们在三月份的战绩将直接关系到他们的季后赛名额甚至主场优势(姑且YY一下吧!)。火箭队在下半程崛起的五个条件:健康,团结,战术,防守,交易! Confusion is Rockets half-way only words that can be described. What did the Rockets get, what they wanted, what they wanted, what they wanted and what they wanted to lose. This question was originally my perception of life and often asked myself, but after the Rockets ugly halfway season, I think all Rockets fans Can not sit still. The Rockets got Artest’s bloody, but inefficient; got Landry and Brooks support, but did not get Arsenese trust; got the return of Mutombo, but almost do not get Weaver’s Cost-effective, but unused; got Tracy McGrady’s commitment, but did not get cash ... ... Rockets lost far more than they have without the old defensive, averaging 98.4 points (the league No. 19) at the same time, but lost The old Jagged defender Jagged defensive, 95.8 points loss (League 10) is the highest in the past five years, while other data are declining; Rockets lost the most important is not healthy, not the lineup is not neat, Is not a defense, but the hearts and minds, in the locker room continue to burst out chaotic voice and discordant scenes, the Rockets almost approaching the brink of collapse, Yao admitted that the Rockets have a great problem. Rockets want to get the championship, want to get healthy, want people’s hearts and defense, but all this seems to be a bit difficult with the half-way, want to lose McGrady have become delusional, if the Madison season announced reimbursement. Adelman’s tactical flaws are obvious, and the use of Yao Ming, Shane Battier and Weaver makes it very confusing. His superstition over the main and McGrady’s tactics at a crucial moment make him feel even worse than Van Gundy. The Rockets have come to a very crucial moment, after the All-Star break, the Rockets home game schedule began to decline, their record in March will be directly related to their playoff places or even home court advantage (tentatively YY look!) . Rocket in the second half of the rise of the five conditions: health, solidarity, tactics, defense, trading!
由全国汉语方言学会、澳门大学、澳门理工学院联合主办的汉语方言国际学术研讨会暨全国汉语方言学会第15届年会谨订于2009年12月1日至3日在澳门举行。请有意与会的学 The 15
“谁愿意防守?没有人。谁要得分,每个人都要。”——丹尼斯·罗德曼。2009年9月7日,38岁的布鲁斯·鲍文在被雄鹿队放弃后宣布退役; 2009年8月12日,本·华莱士签约活塞队,准备