A frozen collision belt beneath ice: an overview of seismic studies around the Gamburtsev Subglacial

来源 :Advances in Polar Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sun806318188
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The Gamburtsev Antarctic Mountains Seismic Experiment(GAMSEIS,2007-2010) was jointly conducted by the United States,China,and Japan during and after the International Polar Year 2007-2008.Broadband seismic stations were deployed across the ice-covered Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains(GSM) and other previously unexplored areas in the interior of East Antarctica.Using GAMSEIS data,published results not only have revealed the deep structure of Antarctica,but also improved our understanding of the tectonic evolution of Antarctica and the supercontinent Gondwana,and of the relationship between geothermal heat flux and glaciers.This contribution draws together the major findings from recent studies,and also offers further investigation into the relationship between tectonic history and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.The elevation of the GSM is largely supported by thickened crust,with Moho depths of ~60 km near the crest of the range.The GSM are underlain by thick(>200 km) and cold continental lithosphere that likely formed after collision of two ancient crustal blocks during the pan-African orogeny.Heat flux results obtained from seismic inversion support a model of ice sheet basal melting that depends more strongly on bedrock topography than on geothermal heat flux,while ice surface and ice thickness are inversely correlated with heat flux. The Gamburtsev Antarctic Mountains Seismic Experiment (GAMSEIS, 2007-2010) was joined by the United States, China, and Japan during and after the International Polar Year 2007-2008.Broadband seismic stations were deployed across the ice-covered Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains ( GSM) and other previously unexplored areas in the interior of East Antarctica. Using GAMSEIS data, published results not only have revealed the deep structure of Antarctica, but also improved our understanding of the tectonic evolution of Antarctica and the supercontinent Gondwana, and of the relationship between geothermal heat flux and glaciers. this contribution draws together the major findings from recent studies, and also further investigation into the relationship between tectonic history and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. elevation of the GSM is largely supported by thickened crust, with Moho depths of ~ 60 km near the crest of the range. GSM is underlain by thick (> 200 km) and cold continental lithosphere that likely formed after collision of two ancient crustal blocks during the pan-African orogeny. Heat flux results obtained from seismic inversion support a model of ice sheet basal melting that depends more strongly on bedrock topography than on geothermal heat flux, while ice surface and ice thickness are inversely correlated with heat flux.
《半生》和《魔种》是V S.奈保尔近年来最重要的作品,同时也是他的最后两部小说。本文从新历史主义的视角解读这两本小说,从历史语境与文学文本的关系出发,探究作者、文本、与社
编者按  在上世纪80年代,能够拥有一台自己的相机,对于很多人来说都是梦寐以求的事情。给笔者留下印象最深刻的便是海鸥双反相机,当年售价100多元,相当于一个普通工人几个月的工资。1985年,李克勤就买了一台雅西卡FS7,当时售价600左右,可谓奢侈,但这台相机的专业稳定性始终没有能够让他在拍摄时感到安心,于是在1986年,他又投入1600元“巨资”购买了一台尼康FM2专业相机,用来从事商业摄影工作
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