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目前,我国的短跑成绩与世界先进国家水平相比差距大,成绩提高慢,其原因是缺少正确的选材和科学的训练,训练方法仍按教练员的观点和经验进行训练,不能取得大范围稳定的同步发展。我认为:训练手段,运动负荷安排上应体现科学性。此外,加强技术动作的合理性和以速度为主体的训练是十分奏效的。一、合理技术动作分析与训练多数优秀短跑运动员的技术表明:后蹬结束,普遍重视前摆的大小腿的充分折叠,以大腿带髋,带膝向前,向上前摆,促成前摆幅度加大,摆速增快,导致小腿踝关节与脚掌自然放松而促进恢复。明显功效是:其一后蹬腿的支撑反作用和爆发速度有助于大腿的积极下压,小腿顺惯性向前摆出,为前脚掌积极而富有弹性着地创造了条件。当前脚掌着地时,膝踝关节进行退让工作,加快身体重心的前移;其二,有利于参与后蹬动作的伸肌得到预先拉长,为迅速转入有力的后蹬作好准备。优秀运动员的后蹬技术,从髋关节开始,当身 At present, the sprint performance in our country is far behind that of the advanced countries in the world. The reason for this is the lack of proper material selection and scientific training. The training method is still based on the coaches’ opinions and experiences and can not achieve a wide range of stability The simultaneous development. I think: training methods, exercise load arrangements should reflect the scientific. In addition, it is very effective to strengthen the rationality of technical actions and speed-based training. First, a reasonable analysis of technical action and training The majority of outstanding sprinter technology shows: the end of pedaling, the general emphasis on the front leg leg fully folded to thigh with hip, knees forward, up front, resulting in the former swing amplitude plus Large, speeding faster, leading to lower leg ankle and foot naturally relax and promote recovery. Obvious effect is: one of the kickback support reaction and burst speed contribute to the active thigh pressure, lower leg inertia forward, creating a positive and flexible ground for the forefoot to create the conditions. When the sole of the foot is on the ground, the knees and ankles are retracted to speed up the shift of the center of gravity of the body. Second, the extensors that are conducive to participating in the pedaling move are lengthened in advance to prepare for the rapid transfer into a powerful pedaling. Back-pedaling skills of outstanding athletes, starting from the hip joint, when the body
终于要离开了,对于母校的感情很复杂,既留恋它的美景和食堂,又鄙视它的浅薄和无知,可实际上我已经对它有一种麻木、惰性的依赖。 Finally left, the feeling for his alma m
9月17日,第六届世界华商大会在我国南京召开,来自世界各地的5000多名华商代表出席。中国科协高士其基金委员会秘书长高志其应邀为大会撰写《华夏龙腾赋》,本刊特予刊载。 On