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从穷人到富翁,实际上是一个工作历程。今天我们被告知,为了使自己的社会地位提高,需要接受高等教育并且有银行的帮助。 19世纪神教派的教主编写了130个从“一无所有到步入上层社会”的传奇故事,他也由此成名,曾一度受到人们的钦佩。现在,人们说他是一个神话创造者;而思想保守的人却持这种观点:这只是一个很幼稚的想法,在今天是不能做到的,只有有高文凭和已经走向富裕的人才有希望成功。 From the poor to the rich, is actually a working course. Today we are told that in order to raise their social status, they need higher education and have the help of banks. In the 19th century, the Episcopal priest wrote 130 legendary stories from “nothing to the upper class,” and he became famous for so many times that he was once admired by people. People are now saying that he is a creator of mythology, whereas conservative people hold the view that it is just a very naive idea that can not be done today and that only those with high diplomas and those who are already wealthy have hope success.
目的探讨H7N9亚型人禽流感的胸部CT早期表现。方法 8例经临床确诊的H7N9亚型人禽流感患者在发病后1周内接受胸部CT检查,回顾性分析其胸部CT图像,分析内容包括病变数目、分布
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