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喜马拉雅-横断山区是全球生物多样性核心地区之一,建于1965年的王朗国家级自然保护区恰好位于这一地带,自然生态系统保持尤为完整。保护区与九寨黄龙一山相隔,有全球罕见的高海拔原始森林,是大熊猫、金丝猴、牛羚等珍稀动物的重要栖息地。这又是一片被精心呵护的净土,普通旅游者很难领略此间风貌;据平武县林业局陈佑平副局长介绍,除专门的科研、考察活动,此地带仅有沿公路两侧的一小部分对外开放。此次,我们有机会跟随知名民间环保组织山水自然保护中心的考察团队,深入王朗国家级自然保护区,穿越这片西南腹地的秘境,感受最原始的自然力量。 Himalayas - Hengduan Mountains is one of the core areas of biodiversity in the world. The Wanglang National Nature Reserve, built in 1965, is precisely located in this zone. Its natural ecosystems remain particularly intact. The reserve is separated from Jiuzhai Huanglong Mountain by a rare high elevation forest in the world and is an important habitat for rare animals such as giant panda, golden monkey and wildebeest. This is another piece of well-being care of the Pure Land, ordinary tourists is difficult to enjoy the style here; According to Pingwu County Forestry Bureau, deputy director Chen Youping introduction, in addition to specialized research, study activities, this zone only along the road on both sides of a small part Open to the outside world. This time, we have the opportunity to follow the well-known environmental protection organization landscape protection center of the inspection team, in-depth Wanglang National Nature Reserve, through this hinterland of the southwestern hinterland, feel the most primitive forces of nature.
The study examined the effect of global economic crisis(2005 ~ 2009) on forest conservation and carbon sink with contribution towards climate change.Ogun State
甲状腺癌是最常见的一类内分泌恶性肿瘤 ,根据组织来源可分为滤泡细胞癌和滤泡旁细胞癌 ,不同组织类型的甲状腺癌其恶性程度亦不相同 ,但都具有侵袭性强和易转移的特点。乳头
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