心理健康与身体健康一样,是人们所希求的。如何在种种压力面前做到精神不垮?如何更加惬意,更加舒畅地度过一生?这是很多人迫切需要的答案。可事实上解决这类问题的人恰恰是每个人自己。 面临困境,可怕的不是已经到来的现实,而是怯弱、屈从和无奈的态度。同样碰到困境,有人可以从“山重水复疑无路”走向“柳暗花明又一村”;有的人从泥沼中趟出了一条平坦的路。他们并没有特有的天赋和才干,原因只有一个,他们有摆脱困境的心理变换术。 心理变换术是运用心理学知识驾驭自身的操纵
Mental health is just what people want, just like their health. How to be mentally unbending in the face of all kinds of stress? How to spend more time comfortably and comfortably? This is what many people urgently need. It is precisely everyone who can actually solve such problems. Faced with the dilemma, the horrible thing is not the reality that has already arrived, but a cowardly, submissive and helpless attitude. Also encountered difficulties, some people can from the “mountain heavy water doubtless” to “a beautiful village”; some people from the sloping time out of a flat road. They do not have the unique talents and talents for one reason only. They have the psychological transformation from their predicament. Psychological change is the use of psychological knowledge to manipulate their own manipulation