3D Flow in the Axial-Radial Exhaust Hood of a Steam Turbine

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:presk
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The computation model of the 3D viscous flow is used for the analysis of the flow conditions in the model of steam turbine exhaust hood, that was in previous time investigated experimentally. The computation method and the obtained results are described. The calculation is concentrated on the finding of the influence of inlet velocity field and on the influence of compressibility of the flow medium.Especially it followed the fluid motion in the outlet vortex and the occurrence of the areas with flow separation. The computation model of the 3D viscous flow is used for the analysis of the flow conditions in the model of steam turbine exhaust hood, that was in previous previous inspection experimentally. The computation method and the obtained results are described. finding of the influence of inlet velocity field and on the influence of compressibility of the flow medium .Especially it followed the fluid motion in the outlet vortex and the occurrence of the areas with flow separation.
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